I'm so proud of myself, I actually finished a craft project. I made a zombie cat plushie, based on my real live zombie cat, I'm making another one now. I'll post pics pretty soon in case anyone wants to see.

God, I want this semester to be over!
Not only that, but a Zombie cat with two plushie friends.

I want two plushie friends!!

Then I could make them fight for my love!
zombie cats???? love to see them biggrin
Hah hah, I'm supposed to be studying Japanese, but instead i'm looking at DIY stuff. I just found a group for people who self publish zines and shit, I wanna do that soooo bad! I'd like to finish one or more for the convention I'm going to this summer. I went to a DIY expo back in New Orleans and went crazy buying up all...
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there's nothing here. we must travel for such funness.
Yay! I'm bipolar! I just found this out Friday. Sort of. I've suspected it for years, but it's the first time I've gotten an official diagnosis. I just took my first Lamictal today... now I really want to get drunk and sprawl out on the couch, but what a waste of my last day off. *sigh* Dammit, i really don't want to be crazy anymore....
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sounds like a nice visit up north. you ready for tonight's snowworks? i'm psyched!

i was once diagnosed as bipolar, but the shrink couldn't even remember my name. he had me taking Depakote, but if there's one thing i can't do... it's take pills. i kind of gave them all up (pills and shrink) cold turkey - though i wouldn't recommend that of the meds. anyway, i hope your experience is more positive and i hope it helps you out. best of luck with that. and um... no booze for you, silly girl!
Oh yes, Chicago style pizza...
Definitely do the art museum. It is quite wonderful.

I can't tell, ADD or Bipolar, even AFTER reading a bunch! Bad thing is, after reading everything, they all say that having BOTH is common!!! HORROR!!!
It's spring break and I finally get some time off. I'm going to chitown today with my friends. I've flown to O'Hare before but never actually seen Chicago. So I'm gonna see the art museum, and Nick promised we'd go to the Ikea store and see "The Future of Sit", lol. Personally, I'd rather be laying on a warm beach somewhere, but at least I'm...
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you mean you're missing St. Patty's day in Indy? um well... i mean... i guess "missing" would imply there's actually something going on.... whatever
lol, I didn't do shit for st. patty's day but workwink I wish I could have taken the whole week off and gone to chicago for longer, but we only went for a day. It was pretty cool though.
Yay! Got a new apartment! Life is goodsmile
are you going to Herron? that's pretty awesome... not a bad deal if you're going to be in this city.
yeah, Mass Ave is fun. and the thing about Broadripple is that it's really eclectic and earthy a good portion of the time, but on the weekends it can get a little yuppified. on friday and saturday nights, particularly, all the sorority and fraternity-type college kids come over from Butler and run around drunkenly.
i'll keep you posted if i hear about any especially great art shows. i'm actually working with a non-profit art group called Primary Colours for an article in NUVO, and they do some great stuff (though i think their next even isn't till june.)

p.s. Yats rocks my world! there's one close to Bripple, too.
YAY, hope all is Grand for ya LUV.... youhave to stop by and say hi every once in awhile biggrin

- PiNkY kiss
So I finally got to go back to new orleans this week. I got to see my demon kitties, and took a good 50-100 pics of the french quarter. I miss the french quarter so much, all those weird little shops. There's just nothing like that here. I just wish I had had more time while I was there. I didn't even get to get...
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Thanks dear. Oh, I hope he bought it in the good area! LOL

You got to visit eh? I'm moving back at the end of this month, i miss it so terribly...mainly the great shops and what not downtown...hope i can see those days again...
In your pics folder...the black guy, far right, in the sex group photo...his name Damion?!

[Edited on Feb 06, 2006 5:50PM]
My friends from New Orleans came up and spent a week here. Oh man, I missed them. We mostly spent the week drinking and playing video games (Soul Calibber 3 and Guitar Hero - one of the most addictive and awesome games ever!) We also went to visit my friend Jay when he was working at Asaka, this awesome sushi restaurant. Some of the best...
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Hey, you have good taste. I thought about putting The Fifth Element in my list of movies but decided I'd sound like a nerd. Ha ha! Good for you. Can't tell if you came to Indy recently or just got a new job... if you're new here, welcome. Sorry you couldn't find anywhere else better to go. If not, welcome anyway. SG rocks. My first job was as an assistant groomer at PetCo - I hope your experience is better than mine and that you don't go home smelling like wet dog every day!
Oh man, this is why I love this site. Random people telling me Happy Birthday, how awesome is that? What an awesome day.
aww, i'm sorry i missed it. happy belated birthday! have a drink tonight just from me skull
welcome to the sight!
Today was the sexuality presentation. Honestly I don't know how we did, cuz we fucked up a bit and weren't as prepared as we should have been. Also, we didn't have the survey results ready, which I'm a bit pissed about. I think we grossed the class out more than anything; we talked about sploshing, cannabalism, dendrophilia, infantilism, BDSM, and age related fantasy. We even...
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Your artwork is rather impressive. Oh, and the half naked pictures of you arent rough on the eyes either. biggrin
Happy Birthday!! smile ARRR!!!
Hmm, sex survey didn't go as well as planned. I got about 60 replies (thanks to all the SG people by the way, you're surveys were extremely helpful.) Most of the ones I got from campus were very brief. I think I'd have gotten better responses if I'd bought a tape recorder and interviewed people. People seem inclined to just tell me things when we...
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