Update time I suppose. There is a monster in my bathroom. I kept hearing something walking around in the ceiling above the downstairs bathroom (this room is an add on, which thankfully, doesn't seem to completely connect to the rest of the house at least.) 2 nights ago I was in there with my roomie to listen to it and whatever it was fell from the ceiling space into this crawl space in the wall behind the toilet. There is a panel on this wall that is not connected so well. Bathroom creature charged this panel and nearly knocked it off the wall. We freaked and left, barricading the door shut. We check today and nothing is stuck in there but stuff is ripped to shreds in the insulation filled space and the panel is completely off the wall. There is also a ventilation pipe and power outlet (I hope to God not a live one, but I have no clue) hanging down. Just awesome.
I've been longing for another tattoo but my artist is being weird and distant despite the fact that we are also friends. I have tried to get in touch w/ 2 artists I really like and respect but neither of them seem to be available. Grrr. I have that want-a-tattoo itch.
Classes are going well though, as usual in my lit classes, I am way behind on the reading. Other than that things are great and I love it and I only ever have to take one more lit class. I am signed up for it next quarter and it is modern lit, with a prof that I enjoy, so hopefully this one will be tolerable. I am also signed up for my last ASL class, Women in Film for my pop culture minor, and Fashion Drawing, which I hear is pretty tough and time consuming. I found out I can still get financial aid next year, so I joined the Speech and Hearing program, so since I am so into ASL. I figure I may as well take the money while I can get it since it won't be available once I get my degree. I'm in no hurry to graduate with the job market as it is anyway. Just in case I do get a job and want to finish, I will be done with my current major and minors at the end of this year, so anything is a possibility.
I have been aggravated with my place, and thus looking at apartments online to prepare for next year. There is a great one in the short north right across from Haiku that I am longing for. Fingers crossed! It says its a 1BR with an office room, but the office is huge, so I'm hoping it can be a 2BR. Though I am not sure who I would be living with. Details.
Anyone in Cbus or close want to go to a Bluejackets game or OSU Bball game with me? I've been wanting to go to more sporting events and I really enjoy those 2. Here are a few recent pics. The chubby kitties, Halloween (what a hot mess) etc etc.
My bday
Billy Talent show
I've been longing for another tattoo but my artist is being weird and distant despite the fact that we are also friends. I have tried to get in touch w/ 2 artists I really like and respect but neither of them seem to be available. Grrr. I have that want-a-tattoo itch.
Classes are going well though, as usual in my lit classes, I am way behind on the reading. Other than that things are great and I love it and I only ever have to take one more lit class. I am signed up for it next quarter and it is modern lit, with a prof that I enjoy, so hopefully this one will be tolerable. I am also signed up for my last ASL class, Women in Film for my pop culture minor, and Fashion Drawing, which I hear is pretty tough and time consuming. I found out I can still get financial aid next year, so I joined the Speech and Hearing program, so since I am so into ASL. I figure I may as well take the money while I can get it since it won't be available once I get my degree. I'm in no hurry to graduate with the job market as it is anyway. Just in case I do get a job and want to finish, I will be done with my current major and minors at the end of this year, so anything is a possibility.
I have been aggravated with my place, and thus looking at apartments online to prepare for next year. There is a great one in the short north right across from Haiku that I am longing for. Fingers crossed! It says its a 1BR with an office room, but the office is huge, so I'm hoping it can be a 2BR. Though I am not sure who I would be living with. Details.
Anyone in Cbus or close want to go to a Bluejackets game or OSU Bball game with me? I've been wanting to go to more sporting events and I really enjoy those 2. Here are a few recent pics. The chubby kitties, Halloween (what a hot mess) etc etc.
My bday

Billy Talent show

Everyday Pics
I could check if she still has a contact down there to get tickets to a game. I'd drive down for that. 4 tickets, in the club seats (WITH WAITERS) its fucking sweet and we wouldn't have to pay for it.
We'd just need two more people. I'll see what I can do.
If not, I'd be down for just paying to go to one and I'd drive down. Live hockey is amazing. I've already seen the Walleye (Toledo's new team-- which I can get tix for) this season, then the Bruins in two weeks and THEN my hockey extravaganza in March:
Thursday Night - Minnesota vs. Detroit, after that we drive to through Canada Buffalo and meet up with my buddies and hit up the bars that don't close till 4.
Friday - Minnesota vs. Buffalo - bars till 4 then drive back to Detroit.
Saturday - Detroit vs. Buffalo.
Sunday - A lot of sleeping.
3 games. 3 days. It's going to be so fucking awesome.