Everything is good but I have the blahs. At least I am not sick *knock on wood*. I really want someone just to come cuddle with me and watch movies and just be there to listen, but not force me to talk. I'm stressed. I gave up a work shift and dropped a class. I may stay in school a bit longer as I saw another opportunity I want to pursue. I will update properly later. This is more of a promotional blog.
Today is National Feral Cat Day. I know this is short notice and quite a few of you won't care, but I like to promote as much as I can for causes I believe in. There are a few events going on that are being sponsored by Alley Cat Allies (a group that tries to spay and neuter all feral cats through a trap and release program, among other work)
Friday October 16th 6pm (a bit late for this one, I know)
Cincinnati, OH
Feral Cat Friday Night Frenzy and Fall Open House at our building at 5619 Orlando Place, 45227. Lots of food, cats, info about helping feral cats.
Contact: Liz Johnson 513-871-7297
Saturday October 17th 9am
Xenia, OH
Spay/neuter clinic for stray/feral cats living in Greene County Ohio. The caretakers who have committed to feeding them bring them to the clinic. The cost is only 15.00 for a male and 20.00 for a female.
Contact: Humane Soc of Greene County 937-376-3001
Sunday October 18th 12noon
Cleveland, OH
Event will be held a few blocks from the Cleveland Zoo at our main Foster Facility.CODA DOG RESCUE http://coda.givemepaw.com
Contact: Denise Gibson Franks 877-664-1314
These events often have food and give-a-ways and are great opportunities for volunteer work, rescue networking, and helping in the community. Have a great weekend no matter what you do. For more information on Alley Cat Allies, their mission, or to donate, check http://www.alleycat.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=191

Today is National Feral Cat Day. I know this is short notice and quite a few of you won't care, but I like to promote as much as I can for causes I believe in. There are a few events going on that are being sponsored by Alley Cat Allies (a group that tries to spay and neuter all feral cats through a trap and release program, among other work)
Friday October 16th 6pm (a bit late for this one, I know)
Cincinnati, OH
Feral Cat Friday Night Frenzy and Fall Open House at our building at 5619 Orlando Place, 45227. Lots of food, cats, info about helping feral cats.
Contact: Liz Johnson 513-871-7297
Saturday October 17th 9am
Xenia, OH
Spay/neuter clinic for stray/feral cats living in Greene County Ohio. The caretakers who have committed to feeding them bring them to the clinic. The cost is only 15.00 for a male and 20.00 for a female.
Contact: Humane Soc of Greene County 937-376-3001
Sunday October 18th 12noon
Cleveland, OH
Event will be held a few blocks from the Cleveland Zoo at our main Foster Facility.CODA DOG RESCUE http://coda.givemepaw.com
Contact: Denise Gibson Franks 877-664-1314
These events often have food and give-a-ways and are great opportunities for volunteer work, rescue networking, and helping in the community. Have a great weekend no matter what you do. For more information on Alley Cat Allies, their mission, or to donate, check http://www.alleycat.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=191

At first it was "you look like him" when my Aunt saw 40 year old virgin. I was like, curly hair and a beard does not a Seth Rogen look-a-like make.
Now it's just been the voice now, and its usually just random people saying it. You ever get anything like that?
All my "look-a-likes" never look like me. It's the same thing with the Seth Rogan thing, curly hair, beard does not a Strongbhoy make.
You know someone looks like someone else if they clearly admit it. The best look-a-like I've seen of all time was in High School.
You ever get those pamphlets/magazines of like study abroad programs when you were in school?
So there is a picture of this kid with two Thai girls and he looked....EXACTLY and I mean EXACTLY like my friend Mike.
Mike couldn't believe it, and we pestered him with questions on, if he really went and this was a joke or what because it was clearly him in the picture. However, it wasn't. It was someone else. They always say there is another "you" walking around somewhere, clearly his was on one of these programs in Thailand OR....secretly his parents shipped his twin brother to Thailand....it was that insane.