Bleh, doctor. 9am, double bleh. So I have had an off and on allergic reaction to something unknown for a long time. It actually started in the summer, but I didn't have insurance so I didn't have it treated. It went away and came back shortly after the school year began. I went to student health and they told me I was allergic to my detergent. I bought Arm&Hammer allergy/scent free and it didn't help. They referred me to a dermatologist. First he told me I had eczema, gave me hydrocortizone cream, and it got worse. So I went back. He told me I had scabies, gave me another cream, still didn't work. According to my family (all of whom work in health care and my family doctor) it never looked like either of those icky things. Thanks for wasting my $ asshole.
Back to the present. So I go to this doctor and she says I have contact dermatitis (basically I'm allergic to something that touches my skin, but we don't know what yet.) I have to go back for an allergy test after my prescription is done. I have to take prednisone for 2wks, which sucks ass. It makes me cranky, tired but unable to sleep, constantly hot, and when I can sleep, I wake up every hour to pee. Awesome. Oh, and its also highly addictive, can't wait to see how that 2wks is going to end.
I can't wait for the allergy test honestly so this shit can be over with forever. The only thing we know so far, is that while it isn't causing my reaction, I am at the very least allergic to the cheap ass black ink that was used on my forearm tattoo. Thank goodness the lady who did it does amazing designs b/c I have had nothing but problems with that tattoo from day one, and I mean some things that she should have known better about. Ridic. That will teach me for going to someone besides my regular artist. No more convention inking for me, just browsing.
I also had bloodwork done to see if maybe that could determine the allergy. I cried. I am petrified of needles and I looked like an idiot since I am fairly full of tattoos and piercings, crying over blood work. Le sigh
Finally Friday night was fun. I LOVE Butch Walker. He was playing in Pittsburgh and no one wanted to go so I asked my mom. She saw him on tv once and enjoyed the music so she said ok. Goddamn what a voice! He put on a hell of a show. We left before the encore b/c of traffic and the 2hr drive back to Canton but it was still worth it.