SPOILERS! (Click to view)

It was a good time. I bought my family tickets to the Trans Siberian Orchestra in Columbus on the 20th. We all had an absolutely delicious (but WAY expensive lunch) at Haiku then went to the show. I was very impressed. It was my 1st time seeing them and they divided the show into 2 parts. The 1st was a narrated Christmas story and the 2nd was original music, some Christmas type, and a lot of rock. It was nearly 3hrs. I loved it.

I wish you could see how hot the little violinist rocker chic on the middle lowering platform is!

There were lights everywhere to make it look like snow, plus a machine blowing little pieces.

Lasers! Pew Pew Pew!

The pyrotechnics were insane! You can't tell from the pics, but we were actually really close and man, you could feel the heat blasting off those things.
Leaving, I saw a dead man on the corner, just lying there with police standing around him waiting for the ambulance. I was very disturbed and sad for the rest of the night.
I then went home for a week, had a lot of food and card playing with the family, including my cousins whom I love to death. Mom especially hooked me up as usual. I got a mini video camera, purse sized laptop, the Vera Wang perfume I've been wanting, some clothes, and all of the seasons of Family Guy and the Office that I was missing. I was really short on cash due to my work (that will be in the next section) but somehow still managed to pull out pretty much everything that I wanted to get ppl. I love buying ppl things that I just know they will love. Even though a few of my friends were shady assholes who made plans then never returned my calls, I got to spend an entire day with my best guy friend Jeremy and got to go out with one of my favorite ladies, Katie, on 3 occasions. My dad had one of his little temper tantrums towards the end but all in all it was so great and I got to see my kitty and Gia pet puppy

It was a good time. I bought my family tickets to the Trans Siberian Orchestra in Columbus on the 20th. We all had an absolutely delicious (but WAY expensive lunch) at Haiku then went to the show. I was very impressed. It was my 1st time seeing them and they divided the show into 2 parts. The 1st was a narrated Christmas story and the 2nd was original music, some Christmas type, and a lot of rock. It was nearly 3hrs. I loved it.

I wish you could see how hot the little violinist rocker chic on the middle lowering platform is!

There were lights everywhere to make it look like snow, plus a machine blowing little pieces.

Lasers! Pew Pew Pew!

The pyrotechnics were insane! You can't tell from the pics, but we were actually really close and man, you could feel the heat blasting off those things.
Leaving, I saw a dead man on the corner, just lying there with police standing around him waiting for the ambulance. I was very disturbed and sad for the rest of the night.
I then went home for a week, had a lot of food and card playing with the family, including my cousins whom I love to death. Mom especially hooked me up as usual. I got a mini video camera, purse sized laptop, the Vera Wang perfume I've been wanting, some clothes, and all of the seasons of Family Guy and the Office that I was missing. I was really short on cash due to my work (that will be in the next section) but somehow still managed to pull out pretty much everything that I wanted to get ppl. I love buying ppl things that I just know they will love. Even though a few of my friends were shady assholes who made plans then never returned my calls, I got to spend an entire day with my best guy friend Jeremy and got to go out with one of my favorite ladies, Katie, on 3 occasions. My dad had one of his little temper tantrums towards the end but all in all it was so great and I got to see my kitty and Gia pet puppy

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Seriously, it sucks ass right now. I got written up b/c these 2 bitches complained that I am not a team player and wouldn't help them. I didn't help b/c the manager had asked me to do other things. However, these girl's families helped the owner buy the business so, they win. It was ridiculous. Now, we had such a poor football season that she supposedly can't afford to give ppl the hours that they want. I worked around 35/wk at this job last quarter. I asked to be cut to 25ish this quarter b/c I was overwhelmed with that, plus another job, plus school full time. I got the schedule on New years eve... I was given 15hrs/wk next quarter. I am a very unhappy panda.

Seriously, it sucks ass right now. I got written up b/c these 2 bitches complained that I am not a team player and wouldn't help them. I didn't help b/c the manager had asked me to do other things. However, these girl's families helped the owner buy the business so, they win. It was ridiculous. Now, we had such a poor football season that she supposedly can't afford to give ppl the hours that they want. I worked around 35/wk at this job last quarter. I asked to be cut to 25ish this quarter b/c I was overwhelmed with that, plus another job, plus school full time. I got the schedule on New years eve... I was given 15hrs/wk next quarter. I am a very unhappy panda.
New Years:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

NYE I hung out with Cory, Doni, and our friends as usual, which is just what I wanted. I was hoping the boy I have been kinda dating would come too, but I am a cougar (according to Doni lol), and he is only 20 and couldn't come to the bar anyways. We only stayed until just after the ball dropped. Another group of our friends were at a different bar on the other side of town. I decided to let everyone else go meet them and I was just going home to bed b/c I had to open in the morning. Plus, this douchebag at the bar was physically pushing me and getting in my face trying to start a fight b/c I told him to back off when he was threatening my friend who was bartending. However, since I am friends with the owner, bartenders, and security, he was promptly tossed out on his ass for laying a finger on me. Still, I was mad enough to be a bit shaky and just want to be alone. Woohoo, bed by 1am, what a party animal. At least it was finally a bit wintery for one of the holidays.

I thought 2009 was finally going to get better when Carl came over yesterday. I wanted my 1st kiss of the new year, even if it wasn't right at midnight. (To anyone who remembers stripper Carl, no, this is not him. This guy is in the military, a vet tech, and actually has his shit together.) I will spare you the details, but oh sweet bouncing baby jeebus we had a phenomenal night. He left for work at 9, I didn't have to be at work until 1 so I relaxed a while longer, enjoying my wonderful new year.... Then I head to work, I get not even 1/2 a block, and there is a fucking hole, covered by leaves so I can't see it, I step right on it, roll my ankle, and have had one of the worst pains I can remember in my life ever since it happened. I went to work, put in about 3 hrs, then got an open dr appt and went to get xrays. I am now the proud owner of a very confusing, lace up ankle brace that I need to wear for as long as possible, even tho it doesn't really fit in my shoes. I did at least get a 3 day bed rest excuse and am now sitting at home. I will probably be stir crazy by tomorrow afternoon. Movies and takeout anyone?

NYE I hung out with Cory, Doni, and our friends as usual, which is just what I wanted. I was hoping the boy I have been kinda dating would come too, but I am a cougar (according to Doni lol), and he is only 20 and couldn't come to the bar anyways. We only stayed until just after the ball dropped. Another group of our friends were at a different bar on the other side of town. I decided to let everyone else go meet them and I was just going home to bed b/c I had to open in the morning. Plus, this douchebag at the bar was physically pushing me and getting in my face trying to start a fight b/c I told him to back off when he was threatening my friend who was bartending. However, since I am friends with the owner, bartenders, and security, he was promptly tossed out on his ass for laying a finger on me. Still, I was mad enough to be a bit shaky and just want to be alone. Woohoo, bed by 1am, what a party animal. At least it was finally a bit wintery for one of the holidays.

I thought 2009 was finally going to get better when Carl came over yesterday. I wanted my 1st kiss of the new year, even if it wasn't right at midnight. (To anyone who remembers stripper Carl, no, this is not him. This guy is in the military, a vet tech, and actually has his shit together.) I will spare you the details, but oh sweet bouncing baby jeebus we had a phenomenal night. He left for work at 9, I didn't have to be at work until 1 so I relaxed a while longer, enjoying my wonderful new year.... Then I head to work, I get not even 1/2 a block, and there is a fucking hole, covered by leaves so I can't see it, I step right on it, roll my ankle, and have had one of the worst pains I can remember in my life ever since it happened. I went to work, put in about 3 hrs, then got an open dr appt and went to get xrays. I am now the proud owner of a very confusing, lace up ankle brace that I need to wear for as long as possible, even tho it doesn't really fit in my shoes. I did at least get a 3 day bed rest excuse and am now sitting at home. I will probably be stir crazy by tomorrow afternoon. Movies and takeout anyone?

Well Happy New Year everyone. I hope yours is starting off well. My resolutions include going to the gym regularly, not putting off school work, and making the most of the time I have with Carl. Happy Holidays all around
and yes that shoot is me just way i am...take it or leave it...get it leave? te,he