Oh yeah, I'm going to see him in August <33
Perhaps a quick FL update. Well it took a little longer to get here, our 1st flight was delayed, but it made for a shorter layover so its fine. I set off the metal detector the 1st time through and I was like awww fuck. But it turns out I had just tapped it with my hand on the way through, which sets it off. So yay, no strip search! haha
I don't know what it is about flying that makes me want tomato juice. Especially the spicey tomato juice (aka bloody mary mix) mmmm, so good, I always get it. The one stewardess was a bitch but after the entire aisle verified that I was right and she was wrong she apologized. I swear I could never get mouthy like that with my customers. I was entertained by the boy across the aisle though who fell asleep and drooled all over his gf's hair. Nice!
All we have really done out and about so far is grocery shopping, as we have a full kitchen and my family is pretty thrifty. Yesterday we played volleyball and went swimming. My cousin's fiance Laura and I tried to work out but the gym is shit, especially for being such a huge resort. We went to Kobe last night, one of those Japanese places that cooks on the grill and does tricks in front of you. The food was awesome and we got a little sushi too which was sooooo yummy. For the most part everyone is getting along, though my one cousin that just arrived has woken me up to steady bitching at her family.
I'm still a bit sad about the puppy, I love him bunches, but I try not to think about it. My mom is heeling ok from the accident but her shoulder has the worst bruise I have ever seen and its really sore. There are a bunch of arts and crafts in the resort. I missed scratch art this morning but I'm hoping they will have it again later this week. Ok loves, that is all I have to say for now, just wanted to update a bit and sound a little more positive. Have a great week!

Mmmm tomato juice!! i want some now.