I'm not big on Linkin Park usually but I heard this song a few nights ago and I really love it.
So I am supposed to be leaving for FL for a week this morning. I was up until 430am last night trying to get everything ready and make sure all the pets are as taken care of as they can be right now. John always passes out when he gets home from work so I'm just afraid he is going to forget to feed the cats or give my guinea pig water or something. He has good intentions but he is just so forgetful and often lazy. He helped me clean for a while though thankfully.
Since midnight I have been on a one way track to shit town. I could not get all the shit I wanted packed. Let me tell you, 8 days is way too long for a girl for one little carry on suitcase. The one and only time I ever checked a bag it came back to me in pieces. Once I finally got done with that, I walked through the living room to get some water before bed and stepped on a big piece of glass. Yay. I have started talking to one of my exs, though I don't think it will go anywhere, but I will get into that later. He was supposed to call last night and fell asleep and felt bad about it according to the voicemail, so he called 3 times at 6am to apologize. Just what I wanted.
Now on to this morning. I have been broke as shit to the point where I am living off of Ramen and whatever cheap shit I can take to work. I was so excited to go to lunch today w/ Ash and my family at Surly Girl before I left. My family was supposed to leave Canton at 9am (we are flying out of Cbus). I call at 10am to get an update. My mom fell outside somehow, injured herself, so running a little late. "Mom, why were you outside?" Because my dog suddenly couldn't move thanks to the growing tumor he had on his leg. Apparently it just hit him, it had never hurt him before. So they took him and had him put to sleep this morning. I remember getting him, he was such a cutie. Ok, no more crying, end of that story.
So my douchebag Textiles teacher has not only been grading hard as shit, she is taking her merry fucking time posting the grades, which I thought were due by midnight tonight but she still has not done my project or my extra credit. Oh and every time I asked her for help via email (supposedly the best way to reach her) she didn't answer, or only said "come talk to me before class." I get to my goddamn 830am class early to talk to her and when does she show up? 832am. Thank you so much you worthless idiot. Oh yeah, and did I mention that while in FL, which I am going to with my family, not a group of my choosing, there will be 10 of us packed into a 6-7 person room. Awesomeness all around.
Nice seeing a couple of you at Havana. I'm going to go shower the suck off of me hopefully. Have a great week everyone, something tells me the hotel won't have a computer I can escape to so I will be MIA.

Even though it's vacation with the fam, it's still a vacation. Try to enjoy it! We'll all be here when you get back. 

Have fun on the trip. Any vacation is always a good thing. And one of these days I will make it to Havana. I usually end up being out of town for work those days.