That is a girl I know, Kristen Key. Her voice is so awesome, especially live. The video this weirdo made kinda (really) sucks but it is the only full version of the song I could find to post for you guys. Kristen is the hot chick in black and white it shows playing the guitar. Enjoy, its not for everyone but if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all, I know this girl.
I ended up dropping my 2nd lit class yesterday. I had to take a W for it (meaning withdrawal). Sucks b/c if I would have dropped it 8 days ago instead of yesterday, I wouldn't have a W. I was trying to stick it out b/c the exams were take home and the papers weren't too long but seriously, the guy needs medicated and I just couldn't take that much reading. For both of my lit classes we basically read a novel for each class. I can manage it on the weekends, but since I only have class M, W I just couldn't read 2 whole novels between Monday and Wed. Plus, participation is worth fucking 20% of our final grade and there were so many assholes in my class that loved the sound of their own voice that I didn't say shit. I'm still taking 16hrs, working 30 at CT and 10 at 7-11 so I definitely still have a lot going, but I feel a little less stressed.
I do have a midterm in my Textiles and Clothing class tomorrow. It may sound like an easy area, but that is seriously the hardest class I have ever taken. There are 170 fabrics I had to get samples of to make a book and I have to memorize them and all their properties (how they respond to light, bleach, stretching, water, rubbing, age, etc). I, along with the majority of the ppl in my class, have been getting C's on the online quizzes so I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
The roomie and I are doing well. It is kind of nice to have someone to hang out with all the time again. Apparently I can't even control myself in my sleep and I end up sleeping on top of him haha, so we have resorted to separate beds but we mesh really well and for the most part, have a great time. His kitties are just rotten though, seriously. So cute but such little bastards! They were tearing through the house at 445am the night before last and ran across my face so now I have claw marks on the side of my nose, bottom lip, corner of my mouth, and above my eyebrow. I got my ass kicked by a tabby, awesome lol.
Ok, just wanted to update a little, I must study. Ttys my loves, and please feel free to call or text anytime, especially since I haven't been spending as much time online <33
Word of the day:
quixotic -adjective
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) resembling or befitting Don Quixote.
2. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.
3. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.
I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one who saw that on the emotions list on myspace and wasn't familiar.

Ok, I have to do 2 this time, this one seriously made me LOL

Well, that and my dog would eat them