I suppose it is about that time, eh? Have you guys seen the 2 newest South Parks? OMG I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. The season started out seriously sucky so I'm glad they are back on track. Butters singing "what what, in the butt" is constantly in my head.
All of my days kind of run together as of late. I have a roomie at the moment. My friend John was dating this serious bitch who kicked/ hit him and bruised his ribs the night before she moved out. However, while John was gone the next day as she was moving, she stole all his shit and overdrafted their joint bank account, a real winner. Then, she took her name off the lease so the landlord came the next day and told John he had 2 days to pay rent or he was out. I don't want any of my friends on the street so I told him he could stay here until he gets back on his feet. It is a bit of a full house since I had 2 kitties and he has 3 but we are making it work.
If only I was getting some though haha. He is all (understandably) depressed and mopey. I mean he has gone looking for a job and he chips in with the housework but he is quite bitter. It kinda sucks b/c I'm a mothering person, I just want to make it all better and I can't and all I hear is how badly he wants to be able to move home and how unhappy he is.
We went out last night with ohash and our friend Doni to Surly Girl then Skully's and it was a good time. Doni picked up a crazy girl that wouldn't stop touching her and we all had our share of weirdo guys. Please guys, if you go up to dance with a girl, don't keep grabbing her hands, we know where you want to put them, and at least for me, ew, no. And absolutely, don't fuck with my friends.
At Surly Girl, these 2 douchebag guys swooped in on Doni and I when John went to the bathroom. They were obnoxiously screaming "is this a fag bar?" while spilling their drinks on our shit and then started picking on John. Now he can take care of himself, but honestly, he wouldn't have gotten the chance. Doni is quite the sarcastic asshole, just like me, which I love so she was all over them. We made fun of his drawstring backpack and the guy started giving me some drunken bullshit about how "class was the causation." Causation? Really? I called him on the word and he said "Yes, causation is a dividend (yes dividend, not derivative) of cause and comes from an Anglo Saxon proverb..."
Me: "So besides that not being a word, you having no idea what words you are using, and the Anglo Saxons not being famous for proverbs, what is the point to your ramblings?"
Doni laughed hysterically then hinted to the idea of lighting them on fire with the table candles so they would leave and finally, the tools exited.
Anyways, that seems to be our new Thursday night tradition so anyone who would ever like to join, just say the word. I looked damn good last night too. I don't normally say that, but the twins looked f-in fantastic in my new shirt and I straightened my hair all pretty and was getting makeup compliments, it was a good night. Of course by the end of the night, I was a tipsy, sweaty mess. This is the picture proof lol.

I guess you will just have to take my word that I looked good to start haha. Then today, just shit. I felt so unattractive all day. My pants were too long and kept dragging, my hoodie doesn't fit right, I didn't have time to do my hair, it just sucked. I stopped in at 7-11 to get a drink and my one coworker goes, "What happened to you? Your hair was so pretty yesterday and you looked all good and now look at you." Gee, thanks asshole. Ok, I really just wanted to vent a little I suppose. I apologize if you actually wasted your time reading all of that.
Term/ advice of the blog:
Open CUNTainer laws:
Columbus has recently enacted new open container laws which prohibit any sort of open alcoholic beverages unless you are in an enclosed area with no general public access. I say open cuntainer laws should be put in to place in which sluts or girls lacking in necessary common sense and intelligence will be fined (and sterilized) for opening their legs in public. Get a room, actually don't, just sew that thing shut.

All of my days kind of run together as of late. I have a roomie at the moment. My friend John was dating this serious bitch who kicked/ hit him and bruised his ribs the night before she moved out. However, while John was gone the next day as she was moving, she stole all his shit and overdrafted their joint bank account, a real winner. Then, she took her name off the lease so the landlord came the next day and told John he had 2 days to pay rent or he was out. I don't want any of my friends on the street so I told him he could stay here until he gets back on his feet. It is a bit of a full house since I had 2 kitties and he has 3 but we are making it work.
If only I was getting some though haha. He is all (understandably) depressed and mopey. I mean he has gone looking for a job and he chips in with the housework but he is quite bitter. It kinda sucks b/c I'm a mothering person, I just want to make it all better and I can't and all I hear is how badly he wants to be able to move home and how unhappy he is.
We went out last night with ohash and our friend Doni to Surly Girl then Skully's and it was a good time. Doni picked up a crazy girl that wouldn't stop touching her and we all had our share of weirdo guys. Please guys, if you go up to dance with a girl, don't keep grabbing her hands, we know where you want to put them, and at least for me, ew, no. And absolutely, don't fuck with my friends.
At Surly Girl, these 2 douchebag guys swooped in on Doni and I when John went to the bathroom. They were obnoxiously screaming "is this a fag bar?" while spilling their drinks on our shit and then started picking on John. Now he can take care of himself, but honestly, he wouldn't have gotten the chance. Doni is quite the sarcastic asshole, just like me, which I love so she was all over them. We made fun of his drawstring backpack and the guy started giving me some drunken bullshit about how "class was the causation." Causation? Really? I called him on the word and he said "Yes, causation is a dividend (yes dividend, not derivative) of cause and comes from an Anglo Saxon proverb..."
Me: "So besides that not being a word, you having no idea what words you are using, and the Anglo Saxons not being famous for proverbs, what is the point to your ramblings?"
Doni laughed hysterically then hinted to the idea of lighting them on fire with the table candles so they would leave and finally, the tools exited.
Anyways, that seems to be our new Thursday night tradition so anyone who would ever like to join, just say the word. I looked damn good last night too. I don't normally say that, but the twins looked f-in fantastic in my new shirt and I straightened my hair all pretty and was getting makeup compliments, it was a good night. Of course by the end of the night, I was a tipsy, sweaty mess. This is the picture proof lol.

I guess you will just have to take my word that I looked good to start haha. Then today, just shit. I felt so unattractive all day. My pants were too long and kept dragging, my hoodie doesn't fit right, I didn't have time to do my hair, it just sucked. I stopped in at 7-11 to get a drink and my one coworker goes, "What happened to you? Your hair was so pretty yesterday and you looked all good and now look at you." Gee, thanks asshole. Ok, I really just wanted to vent a little I suppose. I apologize if you actually wasted your time reading all of that.
Term/ advice of the blog:
Open CUNTainer laws:
Columbus has recently enacted new open container laws which prohibit any sort of open alcoholic beverages unless you are in an enclosed area with no general public access. I say open cuntainer laws should be put in to place in which sluts or girls lacking in necessary common sense and intelligence will be fined (and sterilized) for opening their legs in public. Get a room, actually don't, just sew that thing shut.

/looks up at all the rambling I just left to you
all the best to you nicki!
x x