Not that it matters since I just had to have my mattress cleaned and wash the sheets since Nubby decided to piss on the bed on one of the occasions that I was at work all day. I feel bad if it is that they aren't getting enough attention but I don't know what else to do. I try to pet them and play with them or at least be in the same room as my cats when I get home. I have 2 of them so they aren't alone. This is the 1st occasion anything bad has happened, hopefully there won't be another, though I have also noticed Nubby gets on counters and whatnot a lot when I am not looking.
On one good note, I shall discuss my new group of girl friends. Thank you to sucof for introducing me to his lovely gf and friends. We went to the Louis XIV concert 2 weeks ago and Skully's last week, good times. I particularly enjoyed the end of the night at Skully's where Meow decided it was her mission to seduce Doni and then teach sucof the tricks of pleasing her. Funny conversation, but if you've ever seen Meow drunk I'm sure you can imagine how loud and entertaining it was. I love those ppl <33
The wonderful girls: (me, Jackie, Doni, and Dez)
Me with the lead singer of Louis XIV. I probably have such squinty eyes b/c I was on a LOT of cold medicine and was sick as all hell but I can't refuse free drinks. Anyways, he had a giant crush on Dez so were invited to hang out with them. Sadly, their bus lost all power and we couldn't get on, but he came out to accompany us instead Fun night.
The Louis XIV bassist. You may remember him being mentioned in a prior blog when I saw them the 1st time. He eye fucks you like no other. Good lord, made me weak in the knees everytime he looked at me. He is so gorgeous.
School is not nearly as bad as I thought it may be since I was dreading my 830am-518pm class schedule. I'm fairly positive that my modern lit prof is insane and can't afford his medication but at least he is entertaining. I completed all my homework for the first 2 weeks in Textiles&Clothing and Anthro but I'm struggling getting all of my reading finished for both lit classes (I am also taking Holocaust Literature.)
I have decided to end my blogs with a term or piece of advice each time also. If you do not agree or do not like it, oh well, my blog, not yours. This session's advice shall be: "If you have a problem with someone, tell them directly." If you instead gossip about it to someone else, you are not only being immature and cowardly, you are causing someone to be stuck in the middle. Lastly, when the person you have the problem with discovers all of this, they will probably be hurt that A you don't like them and B they didn't realize they were doing anything wrong. Talking to them, even just casually saying "hey, that thing you do isn't cool," will be much more adult and will likely solve the problem.
Now go tell ohash you hope her head feels better and that you love her, though not as much as I do