Phew. The hardest thing about being gone for a weekend is catching up on blogs on here haha! I just finished. So yeah, I went up to Canton for the weekend. We colored eggs with the cousins Sat night. Rob, I think my mom ate your Jeebus egg, I can't find it
Ash, just incase I don't see you in time to give your yours, here:
I did make this one for you though Rob:
at 1st we thought it was going to be the brown reject egg b/c we got the dyes mixed up but I was like ehh, I'll give it to a boy. Then it turned out to be this sweet camo color with these neon teal dots and those stripes magically appeared and I was pretty impressed.
HA. My cat just discovered that he can jump onto the back of the computer chair to try to get attn from me:
Then he also remembered he doesn't have front claws and can't hold on very well. I wish I would've had the camera ready for that one. Anyways, back to the weekend. Sunday was dinner with my mom's side of the family then more stuff at my cousin's house. We always go there to play cards, I love that section of my family a lot.
Monday, was dinner with my dad's family. Well my grandpa died last Easter, which already made me sad for the day, so we were just having lunch with my grandma. I will always love my family, I just may not like them, but this grandma is just not a nice person. First of all, a girl from my high school waited on us, and even if I hadn't know her, she was very sweet and attentive. My grandma left a $4 tip on a $40 check (she insists on paying at least) and yelled when we tried to leave more. I snuck back to the table and left another $6 as we were leaving. During lunch, between moments where she was glaring at my new piercing, she talked about how she is ashamed of my dad's brother b/c his hair has gotten so long and scraggly. Yes, his hair looks like shit, but you NEVER say you are ashamed of your friends or family until they have really done something to earn the term. He stops by all the time to check on her and have lunch/ dinner with her and when my grandpa was alive, they went golfing together every weekend. She's just such a close minded bitch it makes me want to scream. I tried to share that I got 2 A's and 2 B's (she also complains that I never talk) and she proceeded to talk about the boy in her hick town that goes to OSU and got straight A's last quarter. Thank you.
[/end rant]
Monday night was dinner for my nice grandma's bday, though the whole time she and her friend just kept commenting how my hair was too dark and depressing. Whatevs. My buddy whom I love to death also joined. You know, one of those amazing ppl who will always be your last minute date and you have that "if we aren't married by the time we are 30, we will get together for the tax benefits" arrangement with? Haha, he is honestly the best. We met when I was in 8th grade and he was in 6th. Yay, another pic:
Then finally Mon night I hung out at my friend Katie's with her 2 kids. Landon is around a year old and Ethan will be 4 in June. Landon is all smiley and loves me, but omgoodness, just hanging out with Ethan is like birth control. That kid never stops. I'm sweet on that. Now here I am, back in good ole Cbus.
Mkay, well I'm a giant dork and I'm obsessed w/ the show Greek on ABCFamily (I know, I'm leaving myself open for all kinds of ridicule) so I am going to go watch the season premiere and hopefully get to bed b/c my ass has class from 830am-518pm straight on Mon and Wed. Awesome. Night loves, I wish you all the very best.

I did make this one for you though Rob:

at 1st we thought it was going to be the brown reject egg b/c we got the dyes mixed up but I was like ehh, I'll give it to a boy. Then it turned out to be this sweet camo color with these neon teal dots and those stripes magically appeared and I was pretty impressed.
HA. My cat just discovered that he can jump onto the back of the computer chair to try to get attn from me:

Then he also remembered he doesn't have front claws and can't hold on very well. I wish I would've had the camera ready for that one. Anyways, back to the weekend. Sunday was dinner with my mom's side of the family then more stuff at my cousin's house. We always go there to play cards, I love that section of my family a lot.
Monday, was dinner with my dad's family. Well my grandpa died last Easter, which already made me sad for the day, so we were just having lunch with my grandma. I will always love my family, I just may not like them, but this grandma is just not a nice person. First of all, a girl from my high school waited on us, and even if I hadn't know her, she was very sweet and attentive. My grandma left a $4 tip on a $40 check (she insists on paying at least) and yelled when we tried to leave more. I snuck back to the table and left another $6 as we were leaving. During lunch, between moments where she was glaring at my new piercing, she talked about how she is ashamed of my dad's brother b/c his hair has gotten so long and scraggly. Yes, his hair looks like shit, but you NEVER say you are ashamed of your friends or family until they have really done something to earn the term. He stops by all the time to check on her and have lunch/ dinner with her and when my grandpa was alive, they went golfing together every weekend. She's just such a close minded bitch it makes me want to scream. I tried to share that I got 2 A's and 2 B's (she also complains that I never talk) and she proceeded to talk about the boy in her hick town that goes to OSU and got straight A's last quarter. Thank you.
[/end rant]
Monday night was dinner for my nice grandma's bday, though the whole time she and her friend just kept commenting how my hair was too dark and depressing. Whatevs. My buddy whom I love to death also joined. You know, one of those amazing ppl who will always be your last minute date and you have that "if we aren't married by the time we are 30, we will get together for the tax benefits" arrangement with? Haha, he is honestly the best. We met when I was in 8th grade and he was in 6th. Yay, another pic:

Then finally Mon night I hung out at my friend Katie's with her 2 kids. Landon is around a year old and Ethan will be 4 in June. Landon is all smiley and loves me, but omgoodness, just hanging out with Ethan is like birth control. That kid never stops. I'm sweet on that. Now here I am, back in good ole Cbus.
Mkay, well I'm a giant dork and I'm obsessed w/ the show Greek on ABCFamily (I know, I'm leaving myself open for all kinds of ridicule) so I am going to go watch the season premiere and hopefully get to bed b/c my ass has class from 830am-518pm straight on Mon and Wed. Awesome. Night loves, I wish you all the very best.

i'm just fine.....the car just needs some attention....ahhh
Yep, the animated Robin Hood. I really enjoyed Enchanted; I wasn't sure how the live action was going to be but it was fantastic.