I promise this one will be a bit shorter. Not much is new. I've been actually attending all my classes, woo! I had my first exam, in anthropology, I think it went well. Most of them are exceedingly boring though. The film and self defense classes are interesting but I struggle to stay awake in the others. I have been super tired the last few days in general... hmm.
In my self defense class we paired up to practice different things. First we just practiced verbal defense, basically being assertive and yelling. One of us would pretend to be the random asshole while the other practiced. My partner, Rosalyn and I got along well:
her as creepo 1st
Rosalyn: I see that tattoo girl, where you have the rest hidden? Mmmm
Me: Get the fuck away from me (yes swearing is encouraged haha)
now me as creepo, she was wearing a Gatorade shirt
Me: Hey there, mmm, Gaaaaaaaatoraaaaaade
Rosalyn: Stop talking to me
Me: Aw come on girl, I'll quench your thirst.
Rosalyn: HAHAHA, we have a quote of the day, I'm sharing that!
Me: OMG, I do quote of the day too, you are so in my profile haha
I am taking a career planning class also and the book we are reading from is the Kuder Career Search. Kuder... tell me that doesn't sound like cooter... now tell me you wouldn't be stifling your giggles all class period too like I do.
My kitty is finally out of hiding on a regular basic but he still likes to sleep behind the couch. He and Nubby get along well, thankfully. Most of the time they just ignore each other
I have a tattoo appointment at hell city with this awesome artist Stephanie Tomlinson:
Some of the things she does with color amaze me. She is doing my other forearm. I will share once I have a sketch, but I'm pretty excited. I will hopefully be at the Dayton tattoo convention too b/c I really want Tini to do my hair beforehand. If you aren't already friends with TheGreatestFall you damn well should be, he's super fun and not so bad on the eyes either.
Night my loves. Nothin like some Blind Melon kitteh

In my self defense class we paired up to practice different things. First we just practiced verbal defense, basically being assertive and yelling. One of us would pretend to be the random asshole while the other practiced. My partner, Rosalyn and I got along well:
her as creepo 1st
Rosalyn: I see that tattoo girl, where you have the rest hidden? Mmmm
Me: Get the fuck away from me (yes swearing is encouraged haha)
now me as creepo, she was wearing a Gatorade shirt
Me: Hey there, mmm, Gaaaaaaaatoraaaaaade
Rosalyn: Stop talking to me
Me: Aw come on girl, I'll quench your thirst.
Rosalyn: HAHAHA, we have a quote of the day, I'm sharing that!
Me: OMG, I do quote of the day too, you are so in my profile haha
I am taking a career planning class also and the book we are reading from is the Kuder Career Search. Kuder... tell me that doesn't sound like cooter... now tell me you wouldn't be stifling your giggles all class period too like I do.
My kitty is finally out of hiding on a regular basic but he still likes to sleep behind the couch. He and Nubby get along well, thankfully. Most of the time they just ignore each other
I have a tattoo appointment at hell city with this awesome artist Stephanie Tomlinson:
Some of the things she does with color amaze me. She is doing my other forearm. I will share once I have a sketch, but I'm pretty excited. I will hopefully be at the Dayton tattoo convention too b/c I really want Tini to do my hair beforehand. If you aren't already friends with TheGreatestFall you damn well should be, he's super fun and not so bad on the eyes either.
Night my loves. Nothin like some Blind Melon kitteh

looking forward to tatt pics!!