EDITED TO INCLUDE MY FAVE VIDEO OF ALL TIME AT THE END... you will laugh if you have siblings, or in my case cousins haha.
Well, as much as I am going to regret it at the end of the month when rent is due, I went ahead and renewed my account. I don't like charity b/c I know none of you are rich either so I figured I would go for it before someone else did. I just can't stay away from you fuckers <33 Guess that means I won't be picking up my prescription though... oh well, it's just birth control and what do you need that for if you aren't getting laid? TMI? Ok, I get it.
My class schedule is finally set... only b/c today was the last day to change it or I probably would have kept fucking with it. I am taking:
Literature from the Restoration Period
Introduction Anthropology (soooooo boring and the smallest most uncomfy desks ever)
Art History of Film Studies
Self Defense for Women (yeah, try to fuck with me haha)
and a Career Planning and Resume Writing class
Definitely a full load, which I guess is ok since the Buckeyes had yet another stellar bowl game performance and lost so my hours got cut. I work for an OSU store, if you didn't know, and we had separate schedules for if we would have won or lost. Winning, I got 43hrs/week. Now that we lost, I have 25. Awesome
So, funny story about the Film Studies class. It is only on T-Th and I didn't go the 1st day b/c I didn't feel well and I figured if I am going to miss a class, it may as well be the 1st one where we will only be getting the syllabus and crap anyhow. Well I got an email before the 2nd class saying that a lot of ppl would be out of class b/c they would still be out of town from the bowl game, and it included a link to the only movie we were watching that time. So, I figured, great, if I can do the work and not have to go, then I'm not going.
Yesterday, I finally go to the class. I pull out the paper I have all my buildings and room #s and realize I didn't write down the room #. Shit. Luckily, I see a girl with the book walk up the stairs infront of me so:
Me: "Excuse me, are you going to film studies?"
Girl: "Errm, huh?"
The way she said it, I thought she didn't speak English well, which isn't too uncommon at OSU, so very slowly I enunciate
Me: "Aarre youuu goooiiiing tooo fiiiilmmm stuudieees? Aaaarrrt Hiiistoooorryyy"
and in perfect English she replies
Girl: "Yessss IIIIII ammmm"
haha, a smartass, nice. None the less, I am embarassed.
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't been to the class yet, can you tell me what room it is in? I forgot to write it down."
Girl: "It's in 2004."
So I walk in the room, with her right behind me, the first ones there, put my stuff down and turn to face the front. O_M_G The girl is the teacher. -open mouth insert foot-
Not only did I talk to her like she was an idiot, I told her I had skipped the 1st 2 classes. Awesome. She was very nice and said she would take it as a compliment that I thought she was a student but I could feel how red my face was. Ok, well I just wanted to say hi and I'm still here. I need to clean a bit more, maybe play a little Wii before bed. Night kids <33

Well, as much as I am going to regret it at the end of the month when rent is due, I went ahead and renewed my account. I don't like charity b/c I know none of you are rich either so I figured I would go for it before someone else did. I just can't stay away from you fuckers <33 Guess that means I won't be picking up my prescription though... oh well, it's just birth control and what do you need that for if you aren't getting laid? TMI? Ok, I get it.
My class schedule is finally set... only b/c today was the last day to change it or I probably would have kept fucking with it. I am taking:
Literature from the Restoration Period
Introduction Anthropology (soooooo boring and the smallest most uncomfy desks ever)
Art History of Film Studies
Self Defense for Women (yeah, try to fuck with me haha)
and a Career Planning and Resume Writing class
Definitely a full load, which I guess is ok since the Buckeyes had yet another stellar bowl game performance and lost so my hours got cut. I work for an OSU store, if you didn't know, and we had separate schedules for if we would have won or lost. Winning, I got 43hrs/week. Now that we lost, I have 25. Awesome

So, funny story about the Film Studies class. It is only on T-Th and I didn't go the 1st day b/c I didn't feel well and I figured if I am going to miss a class, it may as well be the 1st one where we will only be getting the syllabus and crap anyhow. Well I got an email before the 2nd class saying that a lot of ppl would be out of class b/c they would still be out of town from the bowl game, and it included a link to the only movie we were watching that time. So, I figured, great, if I can do the work and not have to go, then I'm not going.
Yesterday, I finally go to the class. I pull out the paper I have all my buildings and room #s and realize I didn't write down the room #. Shit. Luckily, I see a girl with the book walk up the stairs infront of me so:
Me: "Excuse me, are you going to film studies?"
Girl: "Errm, huh?"
The way she said it, I thought she didn't speak English well, which isn't too uncommon at OSU, so very slowly I enunciate
Me: "Aarre youuu goooiiiing tooo fiiiilmmm stuudieees? Aaaarrrt Hiiistoooorryyy"
and in perfect English she replies
Girl: "Yessss IIIIII ammmm"
haha, a smartass, nice. None the less, I am embarassed.
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't been to the class yet, can you tell me what room it is in? I forgot to write it down."
Girl: "It's in 2004."
So I walk in the room, with her right behind me, the first ones there, put my stuff down and turn to face the front. O_M_G The girl is the teacher. -open mouth insert foot-
Not only did I talk to her like she was an idiot, I told her I had skipped the 1st 2 classes. Awesome. She was very nice and said she would take it as a compliment that I thought she was a student but I could feel how red my face was. Ok, well I just wanted to say hi and I'm still here. I need to clean a bit more, maybe play a little Wii before bed. Night kids <33

It's also just over an hour. Which I'm glad I knew before I went in otherwise I think I would have rated it differently.
I'm not one who is all about the genre either, and I found it worth going to see but I won't say that this is the best thing I've seen in years.
Yep, that's me. It's not cold, so I don't need to wear pants or a jacket or a sweatshirt.
It's cool you are taking classes in self defense, because its really a good skill to know in any given situation. I wish more people would consider doing the same.
I'm a massive boxing fan, but I've never done any legitimate fighting and one of my goals in life is to at least have some amateur fights. Toledo I think has 6 or so gyms? So I'll have a run around and see what's what.
At college the closest was more than 60 miles away, and they shut down our IU Boxing club and stole 5,000 dollars of the members (students) money.