Hey guys! How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was pretty great. The family got along almost all the time and everyone liked what I got them, which is always my favorite part. I love seeing the look on ppl's faces, giving is definitely the best part. I also got a Wii!! WOOOOOOO! Games and all that crap to boot and a few great movies so it was a good time. My mom got me ugly jewelry as usual but I think she does it b/c she knows she will get to keep it and she really picked it out for herself haha. I also bought myself a present:

The latter is my attempt to take a pic of my back with my cell phone for Miss ohash. Not the best pic of the tatt but I just couldn't delete it, look at that booty
hahaha And yes I know the words are crooked and whatnot and yes it is supposed to be that way, I wanted it very random like everything is a mess. I cannot say enough good things about Josh from SinCity. He did exactly what I asked and more. He was so personable too, way more than any artist I've had... he was just amazing.
I like to do something really nice for another on Christmas so before I came back I granted a kitty a Christmas miracle and adopted her from the Humane Society. She is way cute and she gives hugs. Anything you pick her up she squishes her head under your chin and wraps her paws around you. Cutest thing ever. Here's a pic for evidence lol. Oh, and she has no tail so I have named her Nubby, although she is older and may never learn it. Oh well, I am entertained haha. My other kitty is staying at home in Canton with mom until I can ensure that Nubby is healthy and won't make him sick b/c he is an old man and that would be no good at all.

And since there are already so darn many pics, why not show you my new hair? There is a black section on top in the front so it looks cool when I pull it back and the rest is a deep red, which let me tell you, was a pain in the ass to achieve. I bought a burgundy dye, tried it twice, and still no red, just brown. So I had it professionally done and they used a super bright red b/c my hair was so dark by then and they wanted it to take. Ohhh it took alright. It was the brightest red I have literally ever seen. So, I dyed it one more time myself with the burgundy and finally got what I wanted. My hair now hates me.

Anyways, Happy New Years all! What did everyone else get for Christmas/ Hanukkah/ Kwanza, etc?

The latter is my attempt to take a pic of my back with my cell phone for Miss ohash. Not the best pic of the tatt but I just couldn't delete it, look at that booty

I like to do something really nice for another on Christmas so before I came back I granted a kitty a Christmas miracle and adopted her from the Humane Society. She is way cute and she gives hugs. Anything you pick her up she squishes her head under your chin and wraps her paws around you. Cutest thing ever. Here's a pic for evidence lol. Oh, and she has no tail so I have named her Nubby, although she is older and may never learn it. Oh well, I am entertained haha. My other kitty is staying at home in Canton with mom until I can ensure that Nubby is healthy and won't make him sick b/c he is an old man and that would be no good at all.

And since there are already so darn many pics, why not show you my new hair? There is a black section on top in the front so it looks cool when I pull it back and the rest is a deep red, which let me tell you, was a pain in the ass to achieve. I bought a burgundy dye, tried it twice, and still no red, just brown. So I had it professionally done and they used a super bright red b/c my hair was so dark by then and they wanted it to take. Ohhh it took alright. It was the brightest red I have literally ever seen. So, I dyed it one more time myself with the burgundy and finally got what I wanted. My hair now hates me.

Anyways, Happy New Years all! What did everyone else get for Christmas/ Hanukkah/ Kwanza, etc?

At this point I just hoping for ABNE. Anyone but New England.