I say goddamn I love Christmas bonuses. I might, MIGHT even be able to get my tattoo done! Wooooo! I am getting my much needed haircut tomorrow morning with the wonderful Vanessa from SinCity. Check them out, they all rock.
I had an absolutely amazing weekend. ohash is a great girl and was my taxi and hostess and she has the most wonderfully round kitty ever... kitty like "meow" pet, you perv. Ok, I giggled at it too. Pervyness all around. She arranged for another love of my life, DevilsReject to come down and surprise me. They are my 2 fave ppl. I had no clue he was coming, it was awesome. Very rarely am I surprised, due to either friends/ family who can't keep secrets, my snoopy-ness lol, or my overactive brain. Anyways, I was and it was awesome, I tried not to tackle him too hard when I saw him. I got to meet Jon too, he's fun. And what Nicki/ Rob/ Ash weekend is complete without a trip to Vanity? Awesome. Perhaps I should not have consumed 2 bottles (I'm talkin the large jug type bottles) of wine. Oops, hellooooo hangover. Sadly, once the hangover went away, the worst cold I have had in a long time set in. I guess Chrystal wasn't kidding when she coughed on everyone and said she was going to give them the stripper AIDS cold. Her + Meow + Holly = very fun times. Hopefully we are heading to the bodies exhibit soon. Anyways, I won't go into the weekend much more, you can check Rob and Ash's blogs for that since I was working and they beat me to it. Hope you all had fun also! And, well if you didn't or if you are just generally cranky or mean spirited, go ahead and leave a comment here telling me how I suck b/c adults should have the maturity and guts to say it to my face. K, thanks!

I had an absolutely amazing weekend. ohash is a great girl and was my taxi and hostess and she has the most wonderfully round kitty ever... kitty like "meow" pet, you perv. Ok, I giggled at it too. Pervyness all around. She arranged for another love of my life, DevilsReject to come down and surprise me. They are my 2 fave ppl. I had no clue he was coming, it was awesome. Very rarely am I surprised, due to either friends/ family who can't keep secrets, my snoopy-ness lol, or my overactive brain. Anyways, I was and it was awesome, I tried not to tackle him too hard when I saw him. I got to meet Jon too, he's fun. And what Nicki/ Rob/ Ash weekend is complete without a trip to Vanity? Awesome. Perhaps I should not have consumed 2 bottles (I'm talkin the large jug type bottles) of wine. Oops, hellooooo hangover. Sadly, once the hangover went away, the worst cold I have had in a long time set in. I guess Chrystal wasn't kidding when she coughed on everyone and said she was going to give them the stripper AIDS cold. Her + Meow + Holly = very fun times. Hopefully we are heading to the bodies exhibit soon. Anyways, I won't go into the weekend much more, you can check Rob and Ash's blogs for that since I was working and they beat me to it. Hope you all had fun also! And, well if you didn't or if you are just generally cranky or mean spirited, go ahead and leave a comment here telling me how I suck b/c adults should have the maturity and guts to say it to my face. K, thanks!

Merry Christmas!!