At least WV and Mizzou lost. I've been in quite the funk lately. Daniel Tosh and Dane Cook have been my best friends as I needed something to laugh at to maintain my sanity. Still came up short on rent (perhaps you noticed me pawning all my stuff on here) so here's hoping my next check gets deposited before the realtor deposits the rent check. I'd still like to get something nice for my mom, one cousin, uncle, and dad for Christmas. Hopefully I can find a way to do that. Luckily everyone else I have seen things for throughout the year and snatched them up then. Plus, I am only buying gifts for 3-4 friends for a change so that helps.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Speaking of the brokeness, my subscription here is up in a month and a week. Just wanted to share while I am thinking of it so that if you want my contact info you can ask for it. To anyone who paid me for my stuff, don't worry, it's all being sent out Monday, you will have it long before I go gray. Kinda sad, but maybe it's a good time for a break. Ppl are getting a little too ego-trippy for me. Just b/c you're one of the "badass" chics doesn't mean you have to be a bitch all the time. Just b/c you look different in some way doesn't mean that you intimidate ppl and that's why they don't talk to you... maybe they are either shy OR they just don't want to talk to you. I've had to start weeding out my friends list as I couldn't stand this diluted talk anymore. Oh, and just b/c you're pretty doesn't give you the right to treat people like shit. I'm pretty sure everyone on this site is out of high school so let's leave that shit there, k?
Also, I've seen a LOT of ppl complaining about work, which is fine. Keep in mind that your work keeps you busy, which is the case with many of us, and that is a perfectly fine excuse. Your personality however, is a separate thing. It is not your work that makes you a shitty person. And if you don't really work all that much (12hrs a week for example like my best friend), it's fine if you complain about it and I will listen, but don't get mad when I don't feel pity for your busy schedule. Try going to school full time and working 2 jobs. Yes I'm a bitch, don't care, at least I will tell you how it is but speak to you as an equal and whether I agree or not, I will ALWAYS try to help a friend, or even an acquaintance instead of making them feel unwanted.
Anyhow, many of you are very nice, but to those of you who went out of your way to get to know me or check in on me, thank you, it's actually a decently long list and many of you pleasantly surprised me. You're wonderful ppl. I know this is an early goodbye but since I haven't been blogging much, I thought I'd throw it out there now just in case.
Other news: Carl suddenly got ahold of me again yesterday after almost 2weeks of nothing. Bleh, whatev, I make myself shake my head at myself. Tisk Nicki... tisk. However, I did get a message reply on myspace from Mr. Wise from I <3 NY 2 tonight. Maybe it's just a publicist saying he is Mr. Wise but the message said it was really him and that's what I am believing. It made my night. I, stupidly, watched Grey's Anatomy tonight (the one with the ambulance wreck) and ended up crying for about an hour. So yay for a little girly tv crush drying my eyes.
Another yay: I also finally got ahold of Josh's mom and got his mailing address (see my August... I think... blog about my best friend leaving for the army). Anyways, he finished basic and has 3 more weeks of his special training now, I am so proud of him. I kind of just want someone to say that to me. My family is great and all but if I call, excited to say how I got a 96% on my last exam (which I did) or a 100% on my research paper (did that too) or a 110% on both of my portfolio's I just want them to want to hear it and tell me I can do it, I can make it. Ah, fuck me, I'm tearing up again. That's enough, night kids.

and ill be in columbus several times the next couple weeks if ya wanna meet up so i can get those Saved By The Bell books, just lemme know and we can try to work something out!