Meh, time to update to at least get that wretched old blog off the screen. Not much is new. I didn't do as well I as I had hoped on my Business of Fashion midterm but I still got a high B. I did better than expected on my Medieval Literature paper and I even had to read the Bible for it, also got a high B there. I just had my Soc midterm and Fashion and Appearance Aesthetics midterm and both were much more difficult that I expected so it's all a bit up in the air. I get to go see Paramore on Monday at the Newport. I love them and she's so freaking cute, I'm super excited. I finally have my kitty here in Cbus with me. He likes it here, there aren't any other kitties to pester him like at my parents house and he is an old man lol.
The boy and I rarely see each other b/c I have to work so much, which sucks. And now thanks to this idiotic adult entertainment law that was passed in Ohio, he needs to find another job as well. My uncle has done a lot of grants and petitioning in his day so he is going to help me draw up a petition and see how many signatures I can get to reverse to stupid thing. I mean come the hell on, focus on stopping real crimes, not fucking titty flashing and lap dances. Start with prostitution if you are so worried about the sexual aspect. Damn conservatives anyways. Well I really have nothing more to say, I'm going to try to sleep although I consumed far too much coffee at work so it may not work. Take care lovelies.
Leave love for Meow b/c she needs it, Copper b/c she's awesome, and Fauna b/c it's almost her bday and, well, she's awesome too. That is all

The boy and I rarely see each other b/c I have to work so much, which sucks. And now thanks to this idiotic adult entertainment law that was passed in Ohio, he needs to find another job as well. My uncle has done a lot of grants and petitioning in his day so he is going to help me draw up a petition and see how many signatures I can get to reverse to stupid thing. I mean come the hell on, focus on stopping real crimes, not fucking titty flashing and lap dances. Start with prostitution if you are so worried about the sexual aspect. Damn conservatives anyways. Well I really have nothing more to say, I'm going to try to sleep although I consumed far too much coffee at work so it may not work. Take care lovelies.
Leave love for Meow b/c she needs it, Copper b/c she's awesome, and Fauna b/c it's almost her bday and, well, she's awesome too. That is all

I am having shitty times right now.
snail trail