I am crabby. I have been a way bigger bitch than usual, which I suppose is really saying something. Today started out horribly... or maybe it just continued from last night. I had a date Sat night, which got canceled, so we rescued for last night, and he canceled again b/c he had to work at 630 this morning. I guess that's understandable but still made me sad. I was really looking forward to it Saturday too b/c I worked for 13hrs running and yelling the whole time, without a break. Blah. Also, I feel like I have been lied to by a couple people, most of whom will never read this. That is my least favorite thing in the world and it sucks and I become very untrusting. Boo.
Then today, I woke up way before I needed to (again) with a headache (again). I go to class but I forgot to eat so I run into the little shop on the way to grab a bagel, coffee, and water. Hellooooo line. I get to the building my class is in and after waiting for a good 5 minutes, discover that the elevators are broken. Awesome. Class has now started. I get there and all the seats are full. As fun as sitting on the floor for 2 hrs sounds, I stomp back home. So now I should be reading my English that I never got to last night, but I don't understand a fucking thing (Medieval Literature) and I'm tired so I am going to nap and watch Full House. I love how motivated I am. I'm sure it will take me far. Blah, so yeah, maybe a nap and then I still have class all day, a Habitat for Humanity meeting, and a long workout to try to get rid of some of my frustrations.
Check out Coppers new set. She is wonderful. Now here are a couple random pics since I re-dyed my hair. Not the greatest dye job but I'm broke so I did it myself this time. Excuse any ickyness or possible shinyness, I have not unpacked my makeup yet. Maybe I will take more tomorrow after I get it cut (nothing drastic, just trying to make it healthier). Have a better day than me lovelies.

Then today, I woke up way before I needed to (again) with a headache (again). I go to class but I forgot to eat so I run into the little shop on the way to grab a bagel, coffee, and water. Hellooooo line. I get to the building my class is in and after waiting for a good 5 minutes, discover that the elevators are broken. Awesome. Class has now started. I get there and all the seats are full. As fun as sitting on the floor for 2 hrs sounds, I stomp back home. So now I should be reading my English that I never got to last night, but I don't understand a fucking thing (Medieval Literature) and I'm tired so I am going to nap and watch Full House. I love how motivated I am. I'm sure it will take me far. Blah, so yeah, maybe a nap and then I still have class all day, a Habitat for Humanity meeting, and a long workout to try to get rid of some of my frustrations.
Check out Coppers new set. She is wonderful. Now here are a couple random pics since I re-dyed my hair. Not the greatest dye job but I'm broke so I did it myself this time. Excuse any ickyness or possible shinyness, I have not unpacked my makeup yet. Maybe I will take more tomorrow after I get it cut (nothing drastic, just trying to make it healthier). Have a better day than me lovelies.

PS - I love the kitty. Haha. Sometimes I feel like that.