Are you kidding me. I just had the blog of the week typed out perfectly and I hit the fucking control key and something else and poof, all gone. Grrr. Well now I have one more thing to bitch about. Man I wish this had a save button like when you type essays. Maybe SG is trying to tell us something about keeping it short and sweet. Fuck that.
I have been allowing myself to get really stressed out this week. No good. People around me are freaking out for no apparent reason. It was nice seeing most of you at Havana but I could have avoided the moody little freak outs there too. I have also been letting a certain situation that has arisen really get to me and it makes me sick to my tummy to think about it. My best friend told me she had the worst day of her life yesterday b/c she got too high and couldn't drive home. Really? That's the worst night of your life? Let's not get me started. Then she starts freaking out that the guy she smoked with, who is her friend, is going to tell the police that she got high. Ummm yeah.
My neighbors and their every night parties are pissing me off like whoa. I actually cried last night when I found out that I don't have a thermostat in my apartment, which I am pretty sure is illegal?? There is one thermostat for the whole house down in the hallway on the 1st floor. Awesome. I am sure we will all want it to be the exact same temperature and then we can set it to that and sing songs and hold hands in fairy tale land. My light switch in my bedroom also buzzes when I turn the light on and makes an extremely loud buzz when the a/c kicks on. I mean loud enough to wake me. Maybe this is a sign that I should constantly have the mood set in my room and keep the lights off? No, I think I will just complain about it. This is one buzzing, vibratey noise that I do not like.
I just looked up the price of my textbooks for the quarter. Thanks for the slap in the face OSU. I am also going to be insanely busy and probably almost always crabby or exhausted. This is my schedule for the quarter:
Sunday: (my one short day) Work 11am - 6pm usually
Monday: Class 1130am - 718pm
Tuesday: Work 1pm - 9pm
Wednesday: Class 1130am - 718pm
Thursday: Work 10am - 9pm (that's right, 11hrs of retail. -shudder-)
Friday: Work 9am - 2pm Class 230pm- 418pm Work other job 5pm - 10pm
Saturday: Home games: Work between the 2 jobs from 8am - 10pm
Away games: Work 10am - 1pm then 1pm - 6pm or 10pm depending on the other employees. Also I have to go up to Canton for my away games due to my uncle visiting, my friends baby shower, my friends wedding, throwing a bachelorette party, and at some point my cousin and other friend visiting to plan their wedding next summer in which I am also a bridesmaid. I'm exhausted already.
I also plan on working out at the very least after class on Mon and Wed and after work on Sun. I got waaaaaay more flabby this summer and it needs to go. I want to be more involved with some organizations too. I started doing a couple things with SFR (Students for Recycling) and I dropped out of greek life (I was a Delta Zeta at ONU and they just did not impress me here). However, I must now leave, as I got called into work early. Wooooo

I have been allowing myself to get really stressed out this week. No good. People around me are freaking out for no apparent reason. It was nice seeing most of you at Havana but I could have avoided the moody little freak outs there too. I have also been letting a certain situation that has arisen really get to me and it makes me sick to my tummy to think about it. My best friend told me she had the worst day of her life yesterday b/c she got too high and couldn't drive home. Really? That's the worst night of your life? Let's not get me started. Then she starts freaking out that the guy she smoked with, who is her friend, is going to tell the police that she got high. Ummm yeah.
My neighbors and their every night parties are pissing me off like whoa. I actually cried last night when I found out that I don't have a thermostat in my apartment, which I am pretty sure is illegal?? There is one thermostat for the whole house down in the hallway on the 1st floor. Awesome. I am sure we will all want it to be the exact same temperature and then we can set it to that and sing songs and hold hands in fairy tale land. My light switch in my bedroom also buzzes when I turn the light on and makes an extremely loud buzz when the a/c kicks on. I mean loud enough to wake me. Maybe this is a sign that I should constantly have the mood set in my room and keep the lights off? No, I think I will just complain about it. This is one buzzing, vibratey noise that I do not like.
I just looked up the price of my textbooks for the quarter. Thanks for the slap in the face OSU. I am also going to be insanely busy and probably almost always crabby or exhausted. This is my schedule for the quarter:
Sunday: (my one short day) Work 11am - 6pm usually
Monday: Class 1130am - 718pm
Tuesday: Work 1pm - 9pm
Wednesday: Class 1130am - 718pm
Thursday: Work 10am - 9pm (that's right, 11hrs of retail. -shudder-)
Friday: Work 9am - 2pm Class 230pm- 418pm Work other job 5pm - 10pm
Saturday: Home games: Work between the 2 jobs from 8am - 10pm
Away games: Work 10am - 1pm then 1pm - 6pm or 10pm depending on the other employees. Also I have to go up to Canton for my away games due to my uncle visiting, my friends baby shower, my friends wedding, throwing a bachelorette party, and at some point my cousin and other friend visiting to plan their wedding next summer in which I am also a bridesmaid. I'm exhausted already.
I also plan on working out at the very least after class on Mon and Wed and after work on Sun. I got waaaaaay more flabby this summer and it needs to go. I want to be more involved with some organizations too. I started doing a couple things with SFR (Students for Recycling) and I dropped out of greek life (I was a Delta Zeta at ONU and they just did not impress me here). However, I must now leave, as I got called into work early. Wooooo

Maybe I'll see you around campus
i hate when blogs fuck up by the way...