I could afford to have more fun.
Sunshine would get to 5000 comments.
I didn't feel nauseous so much.
My gym membership still worked at OSU when I'm not enrolled in summer classes.
Ppl understood and acted with decency and courtesy.
SG would enforce an interview or personality quiz so there weren't so many bitches and undeserving hopefuls (don't worry, I am not referring to anyone who will be reading this lol).
Someone would come rent Reno 911 the movie w/ me.
I could have my dog here.
My roommates would clean.
Ppl (mainly male) didn't confuse me so much. I'm a chic, I understand our attitudes and motivations, but sometimes the non-females just baffle me.
That there is some sort of Aug event so I don't have to wait 2 months to see you lovelies.
I get to make out with hot girls at the next Havana too damnit lol.
Ppl understood that tats/piercings dont = SG nor does bitchiness = kickassness.
I could buy Transformers the movie already.
Vivid and purrrgatori's rejected sets would be approved.
I could get the other 2 tattoos I want.
I knew what I wanted to do with my hair next.
Lots of ppl would come to the next Havana.
I had groceries.
I could find a damn 2nd job.
The ownership wasn't so closeminded and wasteful at my job (did I mention we can't afford to give hrs or raises but we are spening $10,000 on a TV floor mat to advertise our sales).
Meow and Dika's sets would go up.
Yep that's about all I think. I suppose I will head to bed again and hope I feel less sick to my stomach so that I can fall asleep this time. -muah-
So go comment on Sunshine, leave love for Meow and check out prints from Vivid b/c I just received mine from her and she is A-mazing

I could afford to have more fun.
Sunshine would get to 5000 comments.
I didn't feel nauseous so much.
My gym membership still worked at OSU when I'm not enrolled in summer classes.
Ppl understood and acted with decency and courtesy.
SG would enforce an interview or personality quiz so there weren't so many bitches and undeserving hopefuls (don't worry, I am not referring to anyone who will be reading this lol).
Someone would come rent Reno 911 the movie w/ me.
I could have my dog here.
My roommates would clean.
Ppl (mainly male) didn't confuse me so much. I'm a chic, I understand our attitudes and motivations, but sometimes the non-females just baffle me.
That there is some sort of Aug event so I don't have to wait 2 months to see you lovelies.
I get to make out with hot girls at the next Havana too damnit lol.
Ppl understood that tats/piercings dont = SG nor does bitchiness = kickassness.
I could buy Transformers the movie already.
Vivid and purrrgatori's rejected sets would be approved.
I could get the other 2 tattoos I want.
I knew what I wanted to do with my hair next.
Lots of ppl would come to the next Havana.
I had groceries.
I could find a damn 2nd job.
The ownership wasn't so closeminded and wasteful at my job (did I mention we can't afford to give hrs or raises but we are spening $10,000 on a TV floor mat to advertise our sales).
Meow and Dika's sets would go up.
Yep that's about all I think. I suppose I will head to bed again and hope I feel less sick to my stomach so that I can fall asleep this time. -muah-
So go comment on Sunshine, leave love for Meow and check out prints from Vivid b/c I just received mine from her and she is A-mazing
I need to draw you that fan art. But I have no scanner at the moment and so I've been a-slackin.
I need to start going to the gym again.
I wish people understood and acted with decency and courtesy to.
The whole year that my roommate lived with me he never once cleaned.
I'm sure if you want to make out with hot girls that they will make out with you.
I just want to find one job that doesn't suck so much.