I just had almost an entire blog typed, accidentally pressed Tab, so I pressed backspace, and I fucking lost it all. Grrrr. Maybe it is better for you this way, I will try to shorten the rants.
I have not been feeling well, not nauseous or anything, but my stomach has been upset for a couple days now. I let another girl take my shift this morning so I could lay around and try to feel better before tonight, b/c I am drinking damnit! I am really sore too: back, especially shoulders and hips. I am assuming it is from sleeping on the couch at home and then staying at my friends and sleeping on his hard futon (not to mention that was after 3hrs at the bar and then 3hrs hanging out and playing beer pong with all the guys til I realized I had to work at 845 so we went to bed at 5am).
So yeah, I am ouchy, plus I got a new tattoo when I was home, which I seem to bump all the time when I sleep its on my left forearm). My mom has been wanting a tattoo and she knows I wanted one for my grandps's now that they have both died and I was their little girl. We went to the shop I love that I always go to and she paid since I can't afford shit right now (still no 2nd job btw). Hers is bigger than she expected but I told her they had to do that, I think it looks great. Mine... not so much. There are lots of little things wrong with it, and I know only I or other tattoo artists would notice, but they are bugging the shit out of me. I am not happy. I was one of his 1st customers ever and years later you fuck up something permanent on me, especially when I put it in a very visible spot. What a dick! Majority of it can be fixed eventually but once I took the bandage off and really inspected I was ready to go take the tip back. Anyways, besides touching that up, I will just be waiting for DURB to be all done with Hell City for a bit at the beginning of Sept so he can do the back piece that I want.
My dad loved the cigar/ silver case I got him for Father's Day and when I went to pick it up at the Joint, I ran next door and got Tattoo Mag from the Garden, Congrats Sunshine, Meow, Mindylou, AlissaBrunelli, and all you other ladies I don't know as well for looking so wonderful in your pics and making the magazine!
Umm I think that's it? Oh wait, I saw Hostel 2 when I was home... with my ex and his little brother b/c he decided I needed to start meeting the family, a whole other awkward story lol. Anyways, I didn't think a whole lot happened through the movie but the end was a bit surprising, I really liked it. They could definitely go on with a 3rd now but yeah, the ending kicked ass. And did anyone else watch Daniel Tosh's special? I love him! Ok, see everyone tonight at Havana for drinks (and lots of them damnit! I have been saving just for this lol) and hopefully most of you again tomorrow at Comfest
Oh yeah and I think my awesome cousin Amber and new buddy Ryan aka nin2016 are accompanying me tonight so say hi!
Wow, that definitely didn't end up shorter than before. Apologies! Now Copy All just to make sure I don't fuck it up again and POST>>>
I just had almost an entire blog typed, accidentally pressed Tab, so I pressed backspace, and I fucking lost it all. Grrrr. Maybe it is better for you this way, I will try to shorten the rants.
I have not been feeling well, not nauseous or anything, but my stomach has been upset for a couple days now. I let another girl take my shift this morning so I could lay around and try to feel better before tonight, b/c I am drinking damnit! I am really sore too: back, especially shoulders and hips. I am assuming it is from sleeping on the couch at home and then staying at my friends and sleeping on his hard futon (not to mention that was after 3hrs at the bar and then 3hrs hanging out and playing beer pong with all the guys til I realized I had to work at 845 so we went to bed at 5am).
So yeah, I am ouchy, plus I got a new tattoo when I was home, which I seem to bump all the time when I sleep its on my left forearm). My mom has been wanting a tattoo and she knows I wanted one for my grandps's now that they have both died and I was their little girl. We went to the shop I love that I always go to and she paid since I can't afford shit right now (still no 2nd job btw). Hers is bigger than she expected but I told her they had to do that, I think it looks great. Mine... not so much. There are lots of little things wrong with it, and I know only I or other tattoo artists would notice, but they are bugging the shit out of me. I am not happy. I was one of his 1st customers ever and years later you fuck up something permanent on me, especially when I put it in a very visible spot. What a dick! Majority of it can be fixed eventually but once I took the bandage off and really inspected I was ready to go take the tip back. Anyways, besides touching that up, I will just be waiting for DURB to be all done with Hell City for a bit at the beginning of Sept so he can do the back piece that I want.
My dad loved the cigar/ silver case I got him for Father's Day and when I went to pick it up at the Joint, I ran next door and got Tattoo Mag from the Garden, Congrats Sunshine, Meow, Mindylou, AlissaBrunelli, and all you other ladies I don't know as well for looking so wonderful in your pics and making the magazine!
Umm I think that's it? Oh wait, I saw Hostel 2 when I was home... with my ex and his little brother b/c he decided I needed to start meeting the family, a whole other awkward story lol. Anyways, I didn't think a whole lot happened through the movie but the end was a bit surprising, I really liked it. They could definitely go on with a 3rd now but yeah, the ending kicked ass. And did anyone else watch Daniel Tosh's special? I love him! Ok, see everyone tonight at Havana for drinks (and lots of them damnit! I have been saving just for this lol) and hopefully most of you again tomorrow at Comfest

Wow, that definitely didn't end up shorter than before. Apologies! Now Copy All just to make sure I don't fuck it up again and POST>>>
You had better show up!! I'm feeling much better, just can't drink. I'll be up to C-Bus...
Well, it won't be til September or October.