MAKE ME STUDY OMG! I have a quiz tomorrow at 5 and a final tomorrow at 530 (those are p.m.'s, thank goodness) and I just keep looking at the book and then laying down. Looking at the book, getting annoyed. Looking at the book, seeing what's on Gameshow Network. Blaaahhh! I think I am just annoyed in general right now. Oh yeah, and no roller derby for me.
My manager is such a c**t. My girl, Alex, that I got to cover my shift, my manager even tried to take off of my shift and put on the other girl's that needed covered. So I called Alex and told her to say that she wasn't available any longer. Fuck that dude, if I have to be there, I am damn sure not going to make it easy on them and cover other shifts for them. Pssh.
It's ok, I got back at her a tiny bit. She is anal about putting things on sale, and we had all this crap to get rid and we would only have like one size left or something, so I walked past her with all of them and asked the owner if she wanted them on sale, and of course, the owner said yes. Hello, 2 years, I know what I'm doing bitch. That pissed her off. And she keeps listening to this weird ass elevator musak station she found she whenever she leaves I switch it to country just b/c I know it drives her crazy. Ahh it's the little things really. Omg, ok must study. If I'm on here again before midnight, bitch at me.

It's ok, I got back at her a tiny bit. She is anal about putting things on sale, and we had all this crap to get rid and we would only have like one size left or something, so I walked past her with all of them and asked the owner if she wanted them on sale, and of course, the owner said yes. Hello, 2 years, I know what I'm doing bitch. That pissed her off. And she keeps listening to this weird ass elevator musak station she found she whenever she leaves I switch it to country just b/c I know it drives her crazy. Ahh it's the little things really. Omg, ok must study. If I'm on here again before midnight, bitch at me.
what do you want to do when you get out of school?