Word. What's up kiddies? Before I forget let me just say that Vivid is one of the coolest (hottest) SG's. I leave one comment on her set and I have a thank you back from her within an hour. Classy
As are all of you Columbus ladies of course
Sooo if you are in the peace, happiness, lovey kinda move, skip to the next paragraph. I hate my job so much. I mean it's not a hard job and I always used to tell ppl to quit bitching b/c our job is so easy, but now I know what they mean. After 2 years I am finally sick of the shit. Our holiday help was highered on at the same rate that I am currently paid after I got my raise and put in all this time. My manager is pissy b/c I called off on Monday to see my dad (whom I never see), when that is only the 3rd time I have called off in 2 years, not to mention that I pick up everyone's shifts. I am one of the only regulars left, and we all know that they need me, along with the other 2 regulars. I found someone to cover my shift Saturday night so that I could go to the roller derby with PunkNiteMike and my manager said she doesn't want that girl to work b/c she is less experienced and is forcing me to work unless I can convince the other manager to come in for me. She always gives us the most useless tasks, even the owner tells us not to bother 1/2 the time, and gets about 20 calls a day from her gf, who by the way also comes in the store all the time and caught some parasite from their dog that is extremely contagious to humans and is like a worm or whatever and eats everything you digest. Please keep your nasty worm ridden girlfriend away from me. Oh yeah, and I also may not get full time this summer, eventhough I was the 1st to ask for it and the owner said I was guaranteed it, b/c she doesn't like my crazy new hair color. Whatever dude.
Lighter stuff. I only have to take one final and it is on Tuesday so I have a shitload of Moderm Brit Lit to read and then I am done for the summer. Wish me luck on that though, since I basically procrastinated and now I have to read everything we were supposed to be reading during the quarter lol. Thank goodness for sparknotes.com. I plan on re-applying for bartending jobs and Sin City is highering a receptionist so I am really hoping they will consider me for that since I stop in there a lot. I got to be the model for Meow for her board exam and (despite what she says) she did great. And she introduces me to Surly GIrl for lunch after which was awesome. Hmm anything else? Oh! I got the cutest new black pointy toed flats with grey skulls and crossbones on them. Look for them at Havana.
I wish there werent so many crappy music performanes on the MTV Movie awards tonight, I just want to see who Sarah Silverman makes fun of. Off to watch it, comment away. <33

Sooo if you are in the peace, happiness, lovey kinda move, skip to the next paragraph. I hate my job so much. I mean it's not a hard job and I always used to tell ppl to quit bitching b/c our job is so easy, but now I know what they mean. After 2 years I am finally sick of the shit. Our holiday help was highered on at the same rate that I am currently paid after I got my raise and put in all this time. My manager is pissy b/c I called off on Monday to see my dad (whom I never see), when that is only the 3rd time I have called off in 2 years, not to mention that I pick up everyone's shifts. I am one of the only regulars left, and we all know that they need me, along with the other 2 regulars. I found someone to cover my shift Saturday night so that I could go to the roller derby with PunkNiteMike and my manager said she doesn't want that girl to work b/c she is less experienced and is forcing me to work unless I can convince the other manager to come in for me. She always gives us the most useless tasks, even the owner tells us not to bother 1/2 the time, and gets about 20 calls a day from her gf, who by the way also comes in the store all the time and caught some parasite from their dog that is extremely contagious to humans and is like a worm or whatever and eats everything you digest. Please keep your nasty worm ridden girlfriend away from me. Oh yeah, and I also may not get full time this summer, eventhough I was the 1st to ask for it and the owner said I was guaranteed it, b/c she doesn't like my crazy new hair color. Whatever dude.
Lighter stuff. I only have to take one final and it is on Tuesday so I have a shitload of Moderm Brit Lit to read and then I am done for the summer. Wish me luck on that though, since I basically procrastinated and now I have to read everything we were supposed to be reading during the quarter lol. Thank goodness for sparknotes.com. I plan on re-applying for bartending jobs and Sin City is highering a receptionist so I am really hoping they will consider me for that since I stop in there a lot. I got to be the model for Meow for her board exam and (despite what she says) she did great. And she introduces me to Surly GIrl for lunch after which was awesome. Hmm anything else? Oh! I got the cutest new black pointy toed flats with grey skulls and crossbones on them. Look for them at Havana.
I wish there werent so many crappy music performanes on the MTV Movie awards tonight, I just want to see who Sarah Silverman makes fun of. Off to watch it, comment away. <33
I love your new hair! Hope to see you in a couple weeks at Havana!
Quiet at 7 am??? I don't understand. That last donut wasn't very tasty. I think I've had my fill of KK for awhile.