Happy Holidays all!
So this has by far been the most uneventful Holiday season in my life. X-Mas was quite the crock. There was nothing exciting to write home about and due to recent circumstances, it was just all together not merry or joyous. There has also been an increase in Canadian soldiers' deaths of late in the 'Ghan and I worry a lot for my best buddy.
Despite it all though, I am keeping it all in stride and not letting things get to me. Unfortunately, I have been assigned an important project to take care of at work, which requires me to put in some unwanted hours at work... plus side to that, it keeps my mind off of shit and puts some much needed dough in my wallet... crappy side, I am not resting enough and taking advantage of some much needed R&R.
Despite these holidays being so bleh... there was ONE really amazing part of it that really brought me sincere happiness:
This is a print of one of Squrl4's recent works that he so amazingly gave to me for X-Mas!!!!!!
It is truly amazing and I was just really surprised by it. I think that presents such as this are the best presents you can give someone. It is original and the thought behind it is just so much more genuine than anything one can buy someone at a retail store. So.......... go give Props to him for his awesome work!!!!
I am reluctantly looking forward to the New Year... a lot has changed recently in my crazy world and there is a lot of positive things to look forward to... (insert quirky metaphor about starting anew here)
Anyways, sorry for the long delay between updates. I really hope to continue contributing on this site in the New Year. There is just too many amazingly awesome people for me to turn my back on.
Peace out, home SG-boys and -girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this has by far been the most uneventful Holiday season in my life. X-Mas was quite the crock. There was nothing exciting to write home about and due to recent circumstances, it was just all together not merry or joyous. There has also been an increase in Canadian soldiers' deaths of late in the 'Ghan and I worry a lot for my best buddy.
Despite it all though, I am keeping it all in stride and not letting things get to me. Unfortunately, I have been assigned an important project to take care of at work, which requires me to put in some unwanted hours at work... plus side to that, it keeps my mind off of shit and puts some much needed dough in my wallet... crappy side, I am not resting enough and taking advantage of some much needed R&R.
Despite these holidays being so bleh... there was ONE really amazing part of it that really brought me sincere happiness:

This is a print of one of Squrl4's recent works that he so amazingly gave to me for X-Mas!!!!!!
It is truly amazing and I was just really surprised by it. I think that presents such as this are the best presents you can give someone. It is original and the thought behind it is just so much more genuine than anything one can buy someone at a retail store. So.......... go give Props to him for his awesome work!!!!
I am reluctantly looking forward to the New Year... a lot has changed recently in my crazy world and there is a lot of positive things to look forward to... (insert quirky metaphor about starting anew here)
Anyways, sorry for the long delay between updates. I really hope to continue contributing on this site in the New Year. There is just too many amazingly awesome people for me to turn my back on.
Peace out, home SG-boys and -girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see you next hockey game!