Been a while since my last life update... i have vowed to increase my activity on the site so here's to another new objective!!!! Thanks to all who gallantly showed their interest in me on my last blog.... (thanks to Lee)... I reached an all-time record of 24 comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pretty crazy, eh!!!
There has been a lot going on in my life recently. First, I am very happy! In fact, i have never been so content in my life than I am right now. Work is amazing... never thought i would ever say that... and my social life is much more active and flourishing of late as well. Thanks in large part to Rubix, Squrl4 and Lee, I have been out and about a shit load this summer and I am rediscovering how amazing the city of MTL is!
I recently read the book 'The Secret'... i was quite skeptical on the whole thing before reading it, but I can honestly say that it is amazing! I am totally putting it into practice ever since, and I swear to you that that shit really works!!!!
Lee's set Slippery went up this week... go give it some love if you already haven't.... it is amazing and she is the most beautiful thing developed from the encounter of sperm and a uterus...
Only three weeks before we leave on our long-awaited trip down south... can't wait. It is going to be GOLD JERRY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!
Aside from that, I will be starting a new book, 'The Kite Runner', I have heard good reviews and I am anxious to get it started. I have also started a new game on my xbox 360... GTA4... we'll see if I have the patience to play it religiously... I doubt it though...
I am also going to have to start posting pics in my blog... that'll be for next time though...
Until then, SG land... peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There has been a lot going on in my life recently. First, I am very happy! In fact, i have never been so content in my life than I am right now. Work is amazing... never thought i would ever say that... and my social life is much more active and flourishing of late as well. Thanks in large part to Rubix, Squrl4 and Lee, I have been out and about a shit load this summer and I am rediscovering how amazing the city of MTL is!
I recently read the book 'The Secret'... i was quite skeptical on the whole thing before reading it, but I can honestly say that it is amazing! I am totally putting it into practice ever since, and I swear to you that that shit really works!!!!
Lee's set Slippery went up this week... go give it some love if you already haven't.... it is amazing and she is the most beautiful thing developed from the encounter of sperm and a uterus...

Only three weeks before we leave on our long-awaited trip down south... can't wait. It is going to be GOLD JERRY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!
Aside from that, I will be starting a new book, 'The Kite Runner', I have heard good reviews and I am anxious to get it started. I have also started a new game on my xbox 360... GTA4... we'll see if I have the patience to play it religiously... I doubt it though...
I am also going to have to start posting pics in my blog... that'll be for next time though...
Until then, SG land... peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a good weekend hun x x