last night was actually really awesome. The whole family sat around and joked and had a lot of fun with the seder and each other. Then Martin came over and we christened The Lady (or Double Trouble depending on the mood..) It was an okay session. Pretty chill. We watched The Incredibles and got pizza.
I'll post pictures of the new addition soon enough.
right now I'm listening to The Suicide Machines. Soon I should shower and get dressed and ready to entertain or something.
tomorrow I'm going to Ikea with my mom to get stuff for the new house. Exciting.
goodmorning sg

I'll post pictures of the new addition soon enough.
right now I'm listening to The Suicide Machines. Soon I should shower and get dressed and ready to entertain or something.
tomorrow I'm going to Ikea with my mom to get stuff for the new house. Exciting.
goodmorning sg

nice to hear someone else is also in a good mood today

hi - pleasant time for you