So, I have been rendering my own lard to do anything that resembles baking. Shortening is not available here, and butter simply isn't as good for baking breads, pie crusts and the like. So, I wander around town asking butchers shops for what is thought of by the butcher as garbage. They look at me like I am completely insane, then they see the cowboy hat and the boots and just decide to go with it, They usually give it to me confused and amused not having a clue as to what I am going to do with it. I have attempted to explain the concept of rendering lard to a few Koreans and well, they look at me the way you would look at someone who was telling you that smoking crack is good for your health. They not only don't believe me, they think I am nuts, at least I am used to getting that look from people. I made a few peach and apple cobblers and an apple pie. I took one of the peach cobblers to work and the Koreans that were brave enough to try it loved it. I think I have successfully made sourdough bread. I have a sourdough starter that I started a few months ago and have only been getting flapjacks and crepes out of it so far, having issues with the bread rising and not over kneading it. I have produced some excellent sourdough bricks. These two loafs are nice and round and taller than when they went in the oven, this is a good sign, now they have to cool. 

hugs from Chile