the person who programmed this site was smoking crack when they did it, userfriendliness is something they obviously never heard of =P grhgfbwrigbiwrbfbwrifbwrebfbweinbfjwebfububfwebfjwbeifbwejbfpobwj


the 3nd

So i went to perv tonight with the tower kids(Tower like whoa) i danced like i had the cure for cancer, we were there for 2 hours i was dancin' 95% of that time, which is pretty good for working all day, not sleeping to well the night before, and having nothing to drink but tap water. I ran into Kim and her krew, who...
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My Monday, headed out @ 2:30 for some san diego radio station to pick up some tickets Ember won, by 4:00 we are over finding the radio station and are walking into mexico. thankfully we weren't on the booze and strippers tour of TJ, just walking and shopping and smoking way too many cigarettes, but in either fashion it's quite surreal. got home about 8:30,...
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Mexico?!!!!!! hehe..nice. What tickets did you guys win?