This is now my 3rd time trying to write a blog.
So now its going to be even shorter, due to me having to go do laundry!
I got my cupcake tattoo.
My new manager is apprenticing, so it was his FIRST tattoo.
I get the color in 2 weeks,
its going to be greens and sick girl like.
I was also just informed my picture was up on the SG myspace.
And for the record.. I'm not anorexic
But now I must go clean my boys undies.
So now its going to be even shorter, due to me having to go do laundry!
I got my cupcake tattoo.
My new manager is apprenticing, so it was his FIRST tattoo.
I get the color in 2 weeks,
its going to be greens and sick girl like.
I was also just informed my picture was up on the SG myspace.
And for the record.. I'm not anorexic
But now I must go clean my boys undies.
You are too cute!!!!!
that tattoo is adorable.