Time for another edition of what grinds my gears and since I am no longer working here you know what really grinds my gears? you america FUCK you. but seriously people grind my gears. It has come to my attention that some people might be getting confused with the shirts that me and muerta sell. As some of you may know our shirts are hand silkscreened by us personally to ensure quality and durablitly (our shirts last). I have found out that a few sellers through etsy are listing there items as "printed on shirts" when in fact they are actually printed on IRON ON TRANSFER PAPER which does not last that long and can look awful if not done correctly. I just want to clarify that we are not a company that is about this we make sure our shirts are the highest quality.
but if you are looking for hate and discontent you can always read my blogs or just think how I think about certain people like he who shall not be named I dislike him very much and that is the ONLY person I hate

Hahahaha. I didn't know people could have "we heart it" I just thought it was a site that stole images. Haha.