im so fucking tired.
work is crazy.
but my sleeping pattern is all fucked up cause of tuesday and this morning.
going to work now. argh. shitty.

im super hungry right now. i didnt really eat dinner...
So i got my arm worked on.
all the color is done on this section of my bio.
shading next time.
and then attaching it in with my back stuff.

eventualy i want half sleeve of bio on my left.
not full cause i dont know what im doing after the CG.

I love girls that flake on you, and never call back.
makes the...
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im home from work.
and yes. now shower, food.
and then...i dontknow. but ima re isntall windows, cause i gots a virus.

<333333 love love love love love love love
im thnking about trying to get stationed in porta rico( im in the coast guard ) anyone wanna get married and live in porta rico for a year and have lots of sex?

ko wait 2 years
Dear World,
Trevor needs/wants a girlfriend.
Trevor M.
Aw, such a nicely stated and simple request. Good luck!
awww. your so cute for saying that. i officialy love you for that. come to san diego, cause your are extremely fucking cute!!! =P
Im happy!!
im up, and that sucks...
but yesterday i got the Deftones Rare Cd, and theDVD is awesome. all their videos! fuck yes. and the SG DvD was there too, so i bought it, and blank cds. im awesome.

Then went for sushi. it was gooooooood. then saw my good buddy lisa, me and Joe Mack, went to go see her. and then....rented video...
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I havent updated this in a while...
but i listen to alot of music. i doubt i even listen to all of that...
and i think i hate some of the music i have on my computer. and i probably only have them cause some girl liked them, so i downloaded, so when they came over i made them some what happy. =P

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So i just got off work...
and thats gay.
but whatever, i worked real hard! hell yes i did.
i smell like fuel and oil. Engines are FUN when they break!!( not really )

uhm i neeeeed to shower. and go get food soon. and get my shit ready for tomorrow. damn commission sarimony.( sp )
fuckng love in and out so much

Work wasnt too bad.
So i know what im geting for Xmas, well from the pops.

The Beast( my 85 camaro ) needs some work done. IE, tailights fixed ( new wiere harness ) thats like $300+. Speedometer( its electric ) i have no idea, but its gonna be alot of $$ and then my heter ( $350...
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i want alotts things 2. like money, money and then maybe some more money.
did u get any ink done yet??
nope. im hopin this weekend.
buttt...maybe next tuesday.
cause monday is Casino night!!!
so like.
the more i win, the more ink i get. =P

im only taking 100!! i cant take more! or ill go broke!
im home with my feast of taco bell.
today its 2 weeks with no smokes.
and a pack sitting on my desk next to me.
im a good boy.
Great name. wink