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Tuesday Jun 22, 2010
I know how I wanna live! POSITIVE I know how I wanna live! POSITIVE … -
Tuesday Jun 15, 2010
Living with my best friend and his girlfriend, and last weekend appar… -
Monday Jun 14, 2010
I decided I need new friends or at least more of them, there's a few… -
Friday Jun 11, 2010
12 hour workday, finally my weekend, and it's pouring outside. What's… -
Thursday Jun 10, 2010
Wake up and live Wake up and live your life see what there is to see… -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2010
If Kharma exists, then Trevor's gotta have alot of good coming his wa… -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2010
Hmm.. I wish more people talked on here. This site isn't very interes… -
Saturday May 29, 2010
Guess I just don't understand the way things work and can't really ch… -
Tuesday May 25, 2010
Just a couple more days and I'll be an old man ;] 21 and still kickin… -
Saturday May 15, 2010
I just have to say that job hunting can really wear down a person's c…