Google and I have been wondering the same things lately.

I'm between apartments this week so I'm not going to be around as much. Not that I comment a lot on here, but I do try to read blogs. I suppose that commenting on blogs would encourage people to write more blogs. Oh well!
Started playing EVE Online. It's pretty neat. Way better than Star Trek Online. I've been in a sci fi mood lately.
Taking a linear algebra class right now. It's incredibly easy considering I had multivariable calculus and differential equations last semester. Fall semester will be theory of calculus, mathematical statistics I, mythology in American literature, and a few economics electives.
Math is fun but I don't think I could do pure math for a living. Gotta have some context, you know.
P.S. For added fun, take a look at the results for the aforementioned Google search. Yahoo answers seems to have replaced the talk your parents give about the birds and the bees.

I'm between apartments this week so I'm not going to be around as much. Not that I comment a lot on here, but I do try to read blogs. I suppose that commenting on blogs would encourage people to write more blogs. Oh well!
Started playing EVE Online. It's pretty neat. Way better than Star Trek Online. I've been in a sci fi mood lately.
Taking a linear algebra class right now. It's incredibly easy considering I had multivariable calculus and differential equations last semester. Fall semester will be theory of calculus, mathematical statistics I, mythology in American literature, and a few economics electives.
Math is fun but I don't think I could do pure math for a living. Gotta have some context, you know.
P.S. For added fun, take a look at the results for the aforementioned Google search. Yahoo answers seems to have replaced the talk your parents give about the birds and the bees.
I need you to be my math tutor!