Boring list time!
- I drank too much this week. Think I'll cut that out for a while. I'm starting to get cranky for no real reason and then taking it out on other people/things, and that's not good.
- I had a huuuuuuge burrito from Gordito's on Greenwood and 85th and it's making my stomach want to explode.
- I think I'll go CD shopping tomorrow at Easy Street. Anyone heard the new Shins CD? I liked the first single from it so I think I'll pick that up. Might get the second season of The Office too.
- I can't decide if I like the original recording of Subbacultcha from the Pixies self-titled album or the one on Trompe Le Monde. Actually, I think I like the first one better one for one, but I prefer the second one when it's followed up by Distance Equals Rate Times Time because I really like the transition between the two songs, despite the fact that Distance Equals Rate Times Time is an extended version of the bridge from the first Subbacultcha with more lyrics.
- I think I'll write a journal of top 5 songs of my favorite artists, just to give myself something to do. I've been wanting to write lately but I can't come up with anything that isn't at least mildly depressing. Plus it'll give me practice with that whole letting people read stuff I've written thing. So look for that in the future.
Totally put that up just to creep you out.