If you had told me yesterday that today I'd be rocking out to Boston's More Than A Feeling, I would have called you a big fat liar. Things being as they are, however, I spent a great deal of today doing said rocking. Damn you Guitar Hero. My favorite thing about the game so far is that you can set it up to play left handed. Gooooo lefty!
I feel incredibly single as of late. Watching sappy movies and listening to sappy music probably isn't helping much. It sort of depresses me that I have this enormous bed and I keep piling laundry and books and stuff on it and leaving just enough room for me to lay on it. I did score Garden State at Best Buy for $10 today, so I guess that's good.
I really need to get back on a regular sleep schedule. This staying up till 4-5am and sleeping till noon stuff makes me feel like a complete loser. I think I'm working in Oakland next week, maybe that'll help.
I feel incredibly single as of late. Watching sappy movies and listening to sappy music probably isn't helping much. It sort of depresses me that I have this enormous bed and I keep piling laundry and books and stuff on it and leaving just enough room for me to lay on it. I did score Garden State at Best Buy for $10 today, so I guess that's good.
I really need to get back on a regular sleep schedule. This staying up till 4-5am and sleeping till noon stuff makes me feel like a complete loser. I think I'm working in Oakland next week, maybe that'll help.
I think i might have known that.