So good to be back home. Here's some things:
I'm so glad to be able to eat real vegan food again. Stupid Nevada.
I've been reading the hell out of various political type books.
I've decided that this country is unbelievably fucked up. I'm weighing my options and trying to decide how I can help fix things instead of being one of those guys that says "oh, everything's fucked up so I'm just gonna sit here and angrily bitch about it!". I've been talking with a couple of really old friends that share this opinion and we're coming up with some ideas. I believe that people need to understand what is really happening instead of what they're allowed to see, and then make informed decisions and participate in their government.
I really don't want to alienate my friends by blabbing about politics all the time, but I'm sorry. It needs to be done. Maybe someone will be interested in what I have to say. I also don't want to be one of those "crazy liberals", mostly because I think that all of the involved parties are responsible for the state of things. The fact that CEOs of major corporations make something on the order of several hundred times what the average entry level worker makes, and said entry level worker has little to no access to adequate health care among other basic human rights, is outright lunacy. The average federal minimum wage worker working 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year makes a little over $10,000 before taxes. For a single person, that's barely above the federal poverty line. For a family of four, that's significantly below the poverty line and still without health care. It's completely unfair that people have to live like this in order to support the heads of corporations and it needs to be stopped.
I finally feel like the me that I used to be.
I'm so glad to be able to eat real vegan food again. Stupid Nevada.
I've been reading the hell out of various political type books.
I've decided that this country is unbelievably fucked up. I'm weighing my options and trying to decide how I can help fix things instead of being one of those guys that says "oh, everything's fucked up so I'm just gonna sit here and angrily bitch about it!". I've been talking with a couple of really old friends that share this opinion and we're coming up with some ideas. I believe that people need to understand what is really happening instead of what they're allowed to see, and then make informed decisions and participate in their government.
I really don't want to alienate my friends by blabbing about politics all the time, but I'm sorry. It needs to be done. Maybe someone will be interested in what I have to say. I also don't want to be one of those "crazy liberals", mostly because I think that all of the involved parties are responsible for the state of things. The fact that CEOs of major corporations make something on the order of several hundred times what the average entry level worker makes, and said entry level worker has little to no access to adequate health care among other basic human rights, is outright lunacy. The average federal minimum wage worker working 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year makes a little over $10,000 before taxes. For a single person, that's barely above the federal poverty line. For a family of four, that's significantly below the poverty line and still without health care. It's completely unfair that people have to live like this in order to support the heads of corporations and it needs to be stopped.
I finally feel like the me that I used to be.
Catch me up: what kind of guitar did you get? Acoustic or electric? Any interest in a bass?
YESSSSSSSSSS, that's only like 20 minutes from me. Want to come to my podunk town so we can school them on karaoke, or want me to come up there to a larger podunk town? What days?