You know. Ok, why would you come back from the archive if you don't want to keep a journal? Don't have time? This goes for the people who've never been archived too. Yeah, I'm sure it's REALLY hard to write a little something every week. When you don't post anything in your journal or interact with the community it means you could care less about the people that make up this place. Keeping a journal elsewhere and don't have time for this journal too? Leave SG. I'm pretty sure the other place you are keeping a journal is some place like My Space or Live Journal. Whoopty doooo. Screw the people that are paying to be a part of this site, right? It just shows that you don't care about anything but receiving a little money for strutting your stuff on the internet. Give me a break. Just leave.
More Blogs
Monday Feb 01, 2010 Someone brought me back from the dead. I don't know why h… -
Thursday Jul 16, 2009
Dear vegetarians: I'm sorry that I ever snickered at your notions of… -
Tuesday Jan 27, 2009
All right. So I have to admit something to you guys. For a while no… -
Monday Nov 24, 2008
Hey guys. I know I've been piss-poor with my interaction on this sit… -
Monday Oct 27, 2008
Life has changed a bit. Details later. -
Saturday Jul 19, 2008
Well, I guess a tardy, inebriated post is better than nothing. Thing… -
Tuesday Jun 17, 2008
Ok, so quick update. I had an interview at another place and hopeful… -
Thursday May 29, 2008 my last post about a journal update wasn't true. I thought i… -
Sunday May 18, 2008
Piss poor blog upkeep(blog sounds like a dirty word). Journal update… -
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
Hmph...sifting through 17,000 songs finding the ones you really like …