I caught Hello Tokyo's latest show Saturday at DC 9. Camera, Omega Band, and Middle Distance Runner also played. I had to leave early and missed MDR's set, but overall it was a great show. I could have gotten some great shots, but at the last second chose to leave my cameras at home. If you have a chance to catch any of these bands... Read More
I finally set a semi-official date for my move to NYC. By the end of Febuary I'll have a new home and hopefully some new friends. Can't wait to get up there.
Bummer, no hangin out and you are already leaving...boo hoo, man! but hey, I am in baltimore most of this week and next workin at my shop in that area...its right off of Eager and Cathedral st's in Mt Vernon....its like right on that corner of those two streets actually...you should swing by if ya get a chance! Talk soon!
Hey you....I know a movie you can add to your list...is was that one with julietee lweis...relatively new...it was playing while I was at this batr in baltimore...its about a bunch of meth addicts, and this one dude has this chick tied up to a bed, but he can't rape her becasue he is on some wild trip! It's fucking insane, and a little nausiting...anyway, thi9ngs be good...updated my journal a bit tonight..come give'er a read, won't cha?
Hun, it may be time for an update!!! Anyway, this weekend....hrrrmmm, not sure about saturday as of yet, but sunday I am going to the national gallery of art in DC and then over to the national cathederal to watch the Choir of the Westminster Abbey perform some Bach or handel...should be...interesting...it's my weekend of culture, I suppose...lol...what are you gettin into?
Been checking out Roomates.com and random apartment listings for the big move to NYC. Trying to find something ideal before I put my house on the market. If anyone knows of any places or have any suggestions let me know.