Sooooo.... We have been talking about marriage and spending our lives together and... It's happening. I am very very VERY happy and excited! But I'm stressed because...
We are moving to the Seattle area! And as soon as in 3 weeks or so. Like no joke. Haha! Life is just a lot less expensive up there and... Read More
So, I'm having this super seemingly bipolar mood situation right now where I want to write a blog but I don't. So, I'm just going to start typing and see where it goes...
First some tunes..
So thiiiiiis is my favorite dubstep remix of any rap song ever. Of all time. It's amazing. You should probably listen to it. Now.
Thank you for saying that, Trekka. ^^ I know you're no stranger to life kicking you in the guts. I can't wait for this year to be over. It's been way too rough for my liking.
You know the drill... We need some tune-age for your blog reading pleasure:
This song reminds me of the last time me and my dude rolled on some molly and banged all...damn..night. LOL Deal with it. It's a fucking rad song! And it makes me dance super nasty.
Alyways... So I have kind of a lot to fill you in on considering... Read More
Sorry the whole Christianity thing didn't work for you, though I can't say I'm surprised. I am of very differing beliefs that do not foster judgmental, holier than thou, critiquing assholes. I went through that when I was a kid with the Jehovah's Witness trip, so I know all too well about the dogmatic beliefs that devout Christians seem to always exude.
Anyways, glad things are goin well with your guy and you. Always a good feeling : )
May luck and happiness eternally find you.
no set date! have to empty the house out first still job hunting and stuff. but in a few months when everything is taken care of evven if i dont have a job im saying fuck it and moving anyhow!
So me and Jesse knew we wanted to go for a hike this weekend, but we weren't sure where. We kept tossing around the idea of going to one of our usual spots since it was supposed to be in the 80's which is decent hiking weather. Then Saturday morning on our way to breakfast, I tossed out the idea of going to Muir... Read More
Hiiiiii! How are you, peoples?! I'm doing pretty damn good, myself. You know the drill... we need musics...
I had a special moment early last week associated with this song. I was driving to work in the morning and I was literally blaring this song and dancing and singing while driving (as I do on a regular basis, by the way)... Read More
After like a year of having it with no problems, I snagged my seatbelt on it the other night when I was leaving my sister's and now.... yuck. It's red,outrageously swollen, excruciatingly painful and today, my old friend pus made its first appearance.
So, I'm on a healthier than usual diet to help... Read More
I may or may not have had some pretty hot sex in the backseat of my Jeep to this song earlier this week..
Sooo I went on a CRAZY epic hike with Jesse today and I'm actually WAY too tired to type out a legit blog and provide pictures and such. SOOO I will do one of those later,... Read More