Things and stuff and whatnot...
I know I know... I suck at communicating with you all these days. Life has been busy between my work schedule, hangin with my fiance, going to multiple custody hearings for his daughters, and still getting settled up here in Washington. I feel like I have very little free time and when I do, it's generally not spent on the computer. It's kinda weird how that can happen...
Anyways, I'm here now to say hi and update you on life and stuff!
Not that any of you likely care or noticed, but I terminated my "Hopeful" status on here and deleted a big handful of my pictures on here. I have been doing a lot of thinking and I'm just not sure I'll ever get back around to shooting another set... For a lot of reasons. I'm not morally objected to it or anything stupid like that! I just am not sure it's my bag anymore. I'm still around on the site and whatnot obviously. I love this community! And I've made a lot of awesome friends. So I'm not goin anywhere.
In other news...
-work is good. Got my 3rd raise in 3 months last month so go me.
-Me and Jesse are good. Still engaged and happy as an be.
-His daughters are good but this vicious custody battle sucks.
-My dad is coming to visit from CA in a couple weeks to that's rad.
-We bought a new bed, thank shit. That air mattress was almost certainly the devil.
-Got the girls a sweet bunk bed because we're kick ass parents. NBD.
-I'm going down to CA in a month for a family reunion which I'm stoked about.
-Weather up here in WA is actually pretty fucking awesome now that it's summer ( i.e. no more California 110 degree days).
And possibly the most exciting news of all....
I made a new friend:

Isn't he an absolute dream come true?! I am head over heels for this little cream puff. Jesse's little sister Mac's cat Athena had 5 little angels 3 weeks ago. We went over Mac and her bf's house last night for our nephew's bday and she brought all the kittens out. This little guy walked right over to me and crawled up onto my shoulder and just chilled there for like 15 minutes. He literally chose me! Our intention was totally not to end up claiming a kitten, but this little guy clearly had claimed me.
So in 5 weeks he's all mine! We totally bonded all night. He loves me. And I'm STOKED! Haha! I need a pet. It's been too long!
Here are some random photos from the last few months...

(Side note: can you believe how awesomely long my hair is getting?! I see mermaid hair in the next 2 years.. What do you think? Can I do it w/o going crazy and chopping it off?!)
Anyways, that's all for now. Jesse is on a train to Idaho now and now that I've typed this and painted my nails, I have a date with my purple couch and a Law and Order SVU marathon. I love Netflix. Lol
Talk soon, guys! Hope everyone is healthy and happy!

I know I know... I suck at communicating with you all these days. Life has been busy between my work schedule, hangin with my fiance, going to multiple custody hearings for his daughters, and still getting settled up here in Washington. I feel like I have very little free time and when I do, it's generally not spent on the computer. It's kinda weird how that can happen...
Anyways, I'm here now to say hi and update you on life and stuff!
Not that any of you likely care or noticed, but I terminated my "Hopeful" status on here and deleted a big handful of my pictures on here. I have been doing a lot of thinking and I'm just not sure I'll ever get back around to shooting another set... For a lot of reasons. I'm not morally objected to it or anything stupid like that! I just am not sure it's my bag anymore. I'm still around on the site and whatnot obviously. I love this community! And I've made a lot of awesome friends. So I'm not goin anywhere.

In other news...
-work is good. Got my 3rd raise in 3 months last month so go me.
-Me and Jesse are good. Still engaged and happy as an be.
-His daughters are good but this vicious custody battle sucks.
-My dad is coming to visit from CA in a couple weeks to that's rad.
-We bought a new bed, thank shit. That air mattress was almost certainly the devil.
-Got the girls a sweet bunk bed because we're kick ass parents. NBD.
-I'm going down to CA in a month for a family reunion which I'm stoked about.
-Weather up here in WA is actually pretty fucking awesome now that it's summer ( i.e. no more California 110 degree days).
And possibly the most exciting news of all....
I made a new friend:

Isn't he an absolute dream come true?! I am head over heels for this little cream puff. Jesse's little sister Mac's cat Athena had 5 little angels 3 weeks ago. We went over Mac and her bf's house last night for our nephew's bday and she brought all the kittens out. This little guy walked right over to me and crawled up onto my shoulder and just chilled there for like 15 minutes. He literally chose me! Our intention was totally not to end up claiming a kitten, but this little guy clearly had claimed me.

Here are some random photos from the last few months...

(Side note: can you believe how awesomely long my hair is getting?! I see mermaid hair in the next 2 years.. What do you think? Can I do it w/o going crazy and chopping it off?!)
Anyways, that's all for now. Jesse is on a train to Idaho now and now that I've typed this and painted my nails, I have a date with my purple couch and a Law and Order SVU marathon. I love Netflix. Lol
Talk soon, guys! Hope everyone is healthy and happy!

aww, kitty!
So glad you are happy. Miss talking to you.