This happened!
Jesse proposed on the morning of my birthday and obviously I said yes.
I wasn't really surprised cuz we've been talkin about it for months now. But I was surprised he picked such an amazing ring. I've never been a huge fan of diamonds so I had been looking at different stones for a whole and decided my birth stone, aquamarine, was my favorite and hinted at it. I guess he heard me cuz it's perfect.
In other related news, our move to Washington has turned out to be awesome so far. I love my job, even though it's 100 times the responsibility that I'm used to. Lol But I'm kicking ass and taking names and already up for a pretty big raise on Tuesday so I'm pumped for that!
As far as our apartment goes, we're still living with minimal furniture. You may recall I got rid of EVERYTHING before I moved up here so as to not have to rent a truck or trailer for the move. We drove up only with what would fit in my jeep. Lol But we just got a sofa and a dining set last weekend for my birthday. So it's starting to come together.

We are currently sleeping on a terribly uncomfortable air mattress which sucks. But we can't afford a bed yet. Lol But we'll get there.
What else is new??
Not a ton I guess. Oh! I finally met the lovely Rosie who lives up here near me! It was brief because she had to work but she's super rad! You should for sure go check out her new set in MR by the way and make her fucking pink cuz she fully deserves it.
BABE STATUS! Am I right or am I right?!
Here are some photos of things I saw for my birthday in my new home:

I guess that's it mostly. I'm still getting settled here, I guess. It's really different being away from my family... Like nothing I ever experienced before. But we're working on building a new family so that's something to look forward to.
we're busting our butts collecting evidence for the custody case for Jesse's daughters and things are lookin pretty good for us to get those little angels full time.
So we have out fingers crossed on that.
Other than the family thing, the weather is a lot to get used to when you're accustomed to year round sunshine and warmth. This whole having to wear a jacket every time I leave the house thing is a bit of an adjustment. Haha! But I'm working on making this a home and slowly but surely we're getting there.
Well I'm exhausted so I'm gonna duck out for now. If you're not already, follow me on Instagram: zombie_kitty. ALSO go give Rosie's new set some sweet lovin. It's super sexy.
Love ya guys!

This happened!

Jesse proposed on the morning of my birthday and obviously I said yes.

In other related news, our move to Washington has turned out to be awesome so far. I love my job, even though it's 100 times the responsibility that I'm used to. Lol But I'm kicking ass and taking names and already up for a pretty big raise on Tuesday so I'm pumped for that!
As far as our apartment goes, we're still living with minimal furniture. You may recall I got rid of EVERYTHING before I moved up here so as to not have to rent a truck or trailer for the move. We drove up only with what would fit in my jeep. Lol But we just got a sofa and a dining set last weekend for my birthday. So it's starting to come together.

We are currently sleeping on a terribly uncomfortable air mattress which sucks. But we can't afford a bed yet. Lol But we'll get there.

What else is new??
Not a ton I guess. Oh! I finally met the lovely Rosie who lives up here near me! It was brief because she had to work but she's super rad! You should for sure go check out her new set in MR by the way and make her fucking pink cuz she fully deserves it.

BABE STATUS! Am I right or am I right?!
Here are some photos of things I saw for my birthday in my new home:

I guess that's it mostly. I'm still getting settled here, I guess. It's really different being away from my family... Like nothing I ever experienced before. But we're working on building a new family so that's something to look forward to.

Other than the family thing, the weather is a lot to get used to when you're accustomed to year round sunshine and warmth. This whole having to wear a jacket every time I leave the house thing is a bit of an adjustment. Haha! But I'm working on making this a home and slowly but surely we're getting there.

Well I'm exhausted so I'm gonna duck out for now. If you're not already, follow me on Instagram: zombie_kitty. ALSO go give Rosie's new set some sweet lovin. It's super sexy.

Love ya guys!

congratulations so very happy for you!