So you know me. I can't just make one major change in my life! I've always gotta change my hair too.
Yep! I'm brunet again!
I needed something way less high-maintenance. The blonde was fun for a little bit but... Meh. I got tired of it and I think it's not really me. Plus the brown makes my eyes look more blue I think.
I actually don't know if that's true. I kinda just made it up. Haha!
I've been workin hard on sorting through all my clothes and other belongings and making some decent progress! Today I dropped of 8 goddamn bags of old clothes at Goodwill.
It felt good to get rid of so much shit! Haha! I've still got a lot to do but I finished A LOT!
It's all happening!!!
I guess I don't have a lot else to say. Just wanted to show ya my new hairs!
I will talk to ya soon!
P.S. GO 49ers!!!!!

So you know me. I can't just make one major change in my life! I've always gotta change my hair too.

Yep! I'm brunet again!

I've been workin hard on sorting through all my clothes and other belongings and making some decent progress! Today I dropped of 8 goddamn bags of old clothes at Goodwill.

It's all happening!!!

I guess I don't have a lot else to say. Just wanted to show ya my new hairs!

P.S. GO 49ers!!!!!

Brunette, fine!
You are adorable with any hair color!!! Are you in Seattle yet!??