Now is the time to be alive!
First of all, you have no idea how much I love this song! LOL You should really listen to it!
Well, I did it! I went blonde again! And I'm absolutely in love...

Yeah, I'm suuuper stoked on it. It was a fun process too..

The hottness, right? Hahaha
I've only got a couple pictures so far on my phone of it, but there will be many more to come I'm sure..
So, life has been pretty killer lately!
-Work has been busy busy busy which means my paychecks make me happy
-I joined the gym so I can get back into shape finally!
-My sis is doing pretty good
-I'm moving back to my mama's cuz it's super closer to my office and will save me lots of gas
-Me and Jesse are aaaaaaamazing
-I am very VERY seriously considering going back to school to be an art teacher
I literally have nothing shitty to report. LOL I keep reading this:

I've been through sooo much shit in my short life thus far that I'm always waiting for something bad to happen. And Jesse HATES it. So, I'm trying to be more positive and just be happy about the good stuff and not hold my breath so much.
Here's a little photo adventure of pics from my phone:
collage of all my tattoos so far (not nearly enough):


puppy love

the sky being fucking rad

I treated myself to Starbucks the other day because I couldn't sleep the night before and I didn't want to fall asleep at my desk

Jesse was grouchy the other day while he was working so I sent him this:

One of the first pics I ever took of me and Jesse and it's still my favorite

We built these mini lego animals last night.. hehehe

(mine is the panda and obviously the cooler of the 2. LOL)
My thoughtful, handsome man picked me these flowers on his property and put them in a beer bottle for me. I am in love with them, even though they are wilted now. He's the best!

driving driving driving and LOVING my hair

keepin hope alive!

SO tomorrow I'm gonna apply for school on my lunch break and get all set for the spring semester... I've got a long road ahead of me with this whole school thing since I'll only be able to take night classes. But I'm prety excited about it. Art is something that I'm really passionate about and I've always been told that I would make a great teacher. I think ideally I'd like to teach high school art, since that was when I was most inspired. It's a big leap, but I feel ready to take it!
I've been torturing myself looking at houses for me and Jesse to rent, since we can't even move until early next year, most likely. LOL I just keep getting curious and looking and then falling in love with houses we can't have! But we want to live out in the sticks kinda and we need at least 3 bedrooms since the goal is to move his 2 little girls down here to live with us. I really need to stop looking at houses until it's TIME !!! It's so hard though...
Me and Jesse are also planning a big trip up to Idaho to see his family. His mom is dying to meet me and frankly, the feeling is mutual. She seems amazing. And Jesse comes from a big family with 9 siblings so I'm jazzed to meet as many as I can while we're there, including his daughters. We're hoping this trip can happen the end of October or something. So fingers crossed..
My mom is stoked I'm moving back, by the way. Go figure! I think she just needed a break from me. HAhaha! Which is god though, because I'm so ready to go back there. I hate it here at my dad's. Blah...
And I'm soooooo jazzed on the gym. my mom is paying for it so that's a bonus. But I want to get back down to 120 lbs and tone the hell out of my bod! And I am so ready to do it. I wanna be fit and sexy again dammit!
Random story:
So, yesterday with Jesse was literally the best day ever. We went and had lunch at my mom's so he could meet her and my stepdad for the first time and it went AMAZING! Then we went shopping and then saw that movie Lawless, which by the way was AMAZING and I totally recommend it! Haha! Then we went back to his house and his roommates were out of town for the night so we sat on the deck and smoked some weed and just talked and then...
(sexy part of random story)
So I realized that in the 8 months that we've been together, we'd never had sex outside. Which is SUPER weird since he and I are total outdoorsy people and are always going on hikes and such. But we'd never done it! (but trust me, we have plenty of indoor sex and it's fabulous. lol) ANYWAYS, so the stars we really bright and we were feelin elevated and happy and I said, "Go get your sleeping bag! Let's go lay in the yard and look at the stars!" We've laid out under the stars and stuff before so he didn't think anything funny was up, I'm sure. So, we found a spot on their 2 acres of property where the stars were the brightest and we got comfy and instantly saw a shooting star, which was so rad. Then a couple minutes later we saw HUGE shooting star, the biggest and longest either one of us had ever seen. And maybe we're weird but that got us all horny for some reason and proceeded to have some INCREDIBLE sex under nothing up a sheet of stars. It was amazing! Maybe the best sex we've had yet and that's saying a LOT.
But... in the process of it all, I lost one of my brand new glass plugs for my stretched lobes and I'm still super bitter about it. Hahahaha! Moral of the story: take off all new jewelry when having wild animalistic sex under the stars.

Gotta say though... The sex made it sooooo worth it.
Afterwards, we made some killer pasta for din din and then put on Nightmare Before Christmas while we sat on his bed and built our mini lego animals. Haha! it was seriously the BEST DAY EVER! We passed out pretty hard after that and then woke up and had glorious morning sex! Then we took a drive in his little Geo Tracker which was given to him by his landlord and I'm in love with, by the way. We drove through the hills with the top off and just took in the beautiful morning and then went and had breakfast.
I can't remember being so happy in my whole life after that 24 hours with him.
I'm so tired while I'm typing this and I feel out of things to say. So I guess that's all for now! Hope everyone is healthy and happy and horny and.. wait what? lol
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you want.. I post a lot on there.. maybe too much. lol Username: zombie_kitty
Alright. nighty night loves!

First of all, you have no idea how much I love this song! LOL You should really listen to it!

Well, I did it! I went blonde again! And I'm absolutely in love...

Yeah, I'm suuuper stoked on it. It was a fun process too..

The hottness, right? Hahaha
I've only got a couple pictures so far on my phone of it, but there will be many more to come I'm sure..
So, life has been pretty killer lately!
-Work has been busy busy busy which means my paychecks make me happy

-I joined the gym so I can get back into shape finally!
-My sis is doing pretty good
-I'm moving back to my mama's cuz it's super closer to my office and will save me lots of gas
-Me and Jesse are aaaaaaamazing
-I am very VERY seriously considering going back to school to be an art teacher
I literally have nothing shitty to report. LOL I keep reading this:

I've been through sooo much shit in my short life thus far that I'm always waiting for something bad to happen. And Jesse HATES it. So, I'm trying to be more positive and just be happy about the good stuff and not hold my breath so much.

Here's a little photo adventure of pics from my phone:
collage of all my tattoos so far (not nearly enough):


puppy love

the sky being fucking rad

I treated myself to Starbucks the other day because I couldn't sleep the night before and I didn't want to fall asleep at my desk

Jesse was grouchy the other day while he was working so I sent him this:

One of the first pics I ever took of me and Jesse and it's still my favorite

We built these mini lego animals last night.. hehehe

(mine is the panda and obviously the cooler of the 2. LOL)
My thoughtful, handsome man picked me these flowers on his property and put them in a beer bottle for me. I am in love with them, even though they are wilted now. He's the best!

driving driving driving and LOVING my hair

keepin hope alive!

SO tomorrow I'm gonna apply for school on my lunch break and get all set for the spring semester... I've got a long road ahead of me with this whole school thing since I'll only be able to take night classes. But I'm prety excited about it. Art is something that I'm really passionate about and I've always been told that I would make a great teacher. I think ideally I'd like to teach high school art, since that was when I was most inspired. It's a big leap, but I feel ready to take it!
I've been torturing myself looking at houses for me and Jesse to rent, since we can't even move until early next year, most likely. LOL I just keep getting curious and looking and then falling in love with houses we can't have! But we want to live out in the sticks kinda and we need at least 3 bedrooms since the goal is to move his 2 little girls down here to live with us. I really need to stop looking at houses until it's TIME !!! It's so hard though...
Me and Jesse are also planning a big trip up to Idaho to see his family. His mom is dying to meet me and frankly, the feeling is mutual. She seems amazing. And Jesse comes from a big family with 9 siblings so I'm jazzed to meet as many as I can while we're there, including his daughters. We're hoping this trip can happen the end of October or something. So fingers crossed..
My mom is stoked I'm moving back, by the way. Go figure! I think she just needed a break from me. HAhaha! Which is god though, because I'm so ready to go back there. I hate it here at my dad's. Blah...
And I'm soooooo jazzed on the gym. my mom is paying for it so that's a bonus. But I want to get back down to 120 lbs and tone the hell out of my bod! And I am so ready to do it. I wanna be fit and sexy again dammit!
Random story:
So, yesterday with Jesse was literally the best day ever. We went and had lunch at my mom's so he could meet her and my stepdad for the first time and it went AMAZING! Then we went shopping and then saw that movie Lawless, which by the way was AMAZING and I totally recommend it! Haha! Then we went back to his house and his roommates were out of town for the night so we sat on the deck and smoked some weed and just talked and then...
(sexy part of random story)
So I realized that in the 8 months that we've been together, we'd never had sex outside. Which is SUPER weird since he and I are total outdoorsy people and are always going on hikes and such. But we'd never done it! (but trust me, we have plenty of indoor sex and it's fabulous. lol) ANYWAYS, so the stars we really bright and we were feelin elevated and happy and I said, "Go get your sleeping bag! Let's go lay in the yard and look at the stars!" We've laid out under the stars and stuff before so he didn't think anything funny was up, I'm sure. So, we found a spot on their 2 acres of property where the stars were the brightest and we got comfy and instantly saw a shooting star, which was so rad. Then a couple minutes later we saw HUGE shooting star, the biggest and longest either one of us had ever seen. And maybe we're weird but that got us all horny for some reason and proceeded to have some INCREDIBLE sex under nothing up a sheet of stars. It was amazing! Maybe the best sex we've had yet and that's saying a LOT.
But... in the process of it all, I lost one of my brand new glass plugs for my stretched lobes and I'm still super bitter about it. Hahahaha! Moral of the story: take off all new jewelry when having wild animalistic sex under the stars.

Gotta say though... The sex made it sooooo worth it.

Afterwards, we made some killer pasta for din din and then put on Nightmare Before Christmas while we sat on his bed and built our mini lego animals. Haha! it was seriously the BEST DAY EVER! We passed out pretty hard after that and then woke up and had glorious morning sex! Then we took a drive in his little Geo Tracker which was given to him by his landlord and I'm in love with, by the way. We drove through the hills with the top off and just took in the beautiful morning and then went and had breakfast.
I can't remember being so happy in my whole life after that 24 hours with him.

I'm so tired while I'm typing this and I feel out of things to say. So I guess that's all for now! Hope everyone is healthy and happy and horny and.. wait what? lol
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you want.. I post a lot on there.. maybe too much. lol Username: zombie_kitty
Alright. nighty night loves!

You're beautiful blonde
no set date! have to empty the house out first
still job hunting and stuff. but in a few months when everything is taken care of evven if i dont have a job im saying fuck it and moving anyhow!