So me and Jesse knew we wanted to go for a hike this weekend, but we weren't sure where. We kept tossing around the idea of going to one of our usual spots since it was supposed to be in the 80's which is decent hiking weather. Then Saturday morning on our way to breakfast, I tossed out the idea of going to Muir Woods National Monument. It's gorgeous, Jesse had never been there, I hadn't even been there since I was like 13 years old... But it was about a 2 hour drive. He said he didn't care so we gobbled up our Grand Slams at Denny's and booked it out to the San Francisco area!
Muir Woods isn't actually IN San Francisco, but to any of you who are unfamiliar with the area, that's the easiest way to explain it. Since it's a holiday weekend, the roads were pretty packed, but we had fun on the drive, blasting music, smoking some herb, talking about a million different things, and breathing in the ocean air the closer and closer we got. About 2.5 hours later, we arrived and had to drive for about 30 minutes to find a parking spot about a 1/4 of a mile from the park entrance. But whatever, we knew we had a long hike ahed of us anyway... what's another .25 miles, right?!

Let me just tell you, this was the single BEST hike I have ever been on in my life, and words can't describe how stoked I was to have him there with me. The pure air, the 60 degree weather, the moisture in the air, the strong redwoods, the abundance of life... and having him there with his amazing smile and my hand in his... It all just made me fall in love all over again.

We hiked about 10 miles total and finally called it quits so that we could embark on our trek back home, but it was just a perfect day. Here are some photos I took that I think are just lovely... Mother Nature is the best model there is...
I'll spoiler them because there are quite a few...
But first, listen to one of the songs we were listening to on our hike. Serenity.

I just love this tune..

So Dreamyyyy
When we got home to his place we just ate some pizza and then took showers and cuddled and laid in bed talking about life...
Here's me waiting for him to get out of the shower so I can get some:
LOL But seriously, things could NOT be going any better right now. FUCK! I'm just so happy about it!
In other areas of my world right now...
My sissy is doing really good. I wanted to go see her and the kiddy pies this week but they have all been sick. And with my new job I can't risk getting sick too.
So I miss them all so much that my heart hurts. But I'm sure I will see them soon. I've talked to her quite a bit and it sounds like everything is going ok so, I've got lots of hope!
I've been contemplating my sets lately... I like them.. I don't think they're really ME though. I've been toying with the idea of trying to do another set more true to myself. I'm joining my mom's gym this week so she can train me and get me all toned up. I haven't gotten fat AT ALL but I've gotten lazy. I'm lucky enough to where once I get a steady work out going, i lose crazy weight and tone up fast so I think it's time for that. And I'm wondering now tat I've got my SICK AS FUCK chest piece (done by the beautiful Boomie by the way) if I should give this whole SG thing one more shot. I've ALWAYS wanted to, so why give up now, right?
Remember this gem?? I think it's cute! But like I said, not really true to me and my style and personality. I also think a lot of it looks too posed... I want to change that in the future for sure if I give this another go..
But the whole modeling thing really was a lot of fun for me... And I feel like I can improve a lot with my technique fairly quickly since I have a better vision now of what I want to portray. And I really want to portray ME!
Like this:
it's super cute, but not really ME. But a little more me than the rest and it wasn't even a full set! Silly silly...
Any thoughts on if I should give it another try? I'd love some input.
On the topic of my blonde hair in the Sail Away photos above... I've kinda been debating going blonde again..
This time though, the blonde would come out so much better since I'm back to my natural hair color now. Instead of having to cut through layers of dye, the bleach won't have to try nearly as hard this time. Thoughts on this either???
me blonde:
I dunno... I think it would be fun. And a nice change.. Let me know what you think!
Random fun/sexy stuff:
the sun is fucking amazing...
Ok, that's all with my photo dump! LOL Hope it wasn't too much!
Well, I think tomorrow I'm gonna go get set up at the gym since I get to sign up pretty much for free since my mom has been a member for so long and is not friends with the owners. So I'm gonna go check it out and even though my legs feel like Jello-o after yesterday's hike, I'm ready to get in there and get into better shape! The goal is to lose 15 pounds in extra body fat and then build muscle and stamina. Tighten some shit up. I'm actually really really excited to go it. I like being in shape. And like I said, I definitely haven't gotten FAT at all! I'm just not at all comfortable with my body in its current state. Time for some changes!
Time for me to curl up in bed with a good movie (which is currently undecided yet) and let this xanax kick in and take me to dream land. I am so stoked I have tomorrow off for Labor Day! You don't even know!
I hope everyone is doing good and that this blog wasn't too boring. I love you all and have missed a lot of you and have been trying to stay up to date on all your blogs! XOXO to you all and let me know what you think about if I should go blonde or not and on the SG thingy. THanks people!!