What a week!
Music. Always music.
I may or may not have had some pretty hot sex in the backseat of my Jeep to this song earlier this week..
Sooo I went on a CRAZY epic hike with Jesse today and I'm actually WAY too tired to type out a legit blog and provide pictures and such. SOOO I will do one of those later, but here's a quick update:
I started my new job on Tuesday and it's been so so so so amazing being back to a regular schedule and nailing down a routine. Plus, I really love my job! So yay!
Things are finally getting... really amazing with Jesse. And it kind of happened at a funny time for me because I was feeling like things were never going to progress and I was kind of getting ready to almost give up on it. And it was like he read my mind because he's been really different in a really good way and we've been talking about some potentially exciting changes. More on that another time.
A random dude from my past that I blogged about back in November just SHOWED UP in my Facebook inbox apologizing and almost asking for a second chance. Weird. And I'm really not good with situations like this. lol And now that things are getting better with Jesse, I need to tell this dude to kick rocks.
The Olympics are boring me and my dad has been watching them everyday. So there's that. Go USA???
As I said before, me and Jesse went on a killer hike today and took some really pretty pictures that I wanna share with you in a future blog because it was INCREDIBLE there! So stay tuned for that..
I'm crazy sunburned from today.
That's all I've got. LOL sorry this isn't a serious blog. I thought I'd maybe have it in me to throw up an awesome photo blog but... this sunburn has me drained and all I want to do is lay here naked under my ceiling fan and watch Mean Girls for the second night in a row. So that's what I'm going to do!
I promise to post a better blog soon!
Look how cute we were today! lol
Night night kids!
Music. Always music.
I may or may not have had some pretty hot sex in the backseat of my Jeep to this song earlier this week..

Sooo I went on a CRAZY epic hike with Jesse today and I'm actually WAY too tired to type out a legit blog and provide pictures and such. SOOO I will do one of those later, but here's a quick update:

That's all I've got. LOL sorry this isn't a serious blog. I thought I'd maybe have it in me to throw up an awesome photo blog but... this sunburn has me drained and all I want to do is lay here naked under my ceiling fan and watch Mean Girls for the second night in a row. So that's what I'm going to do!
I promise to post a better blog soon!
Look how cute we were today! lol

Night night kids!
I want a guy
I mean I'm a guy like that
haha. But that's awesome you can tell by their smiles and both of yours is HUGE'!!!!
