First, we need music before I go on my rampage .... I dunno what song I want...
I know! I'll do a song before my rant and then a song before my photo dump. How's that sound? Good? Good.
This song is sooooo appropriate for how I feel right now! Ugh...
***This is about to be a long-ass rant about my job. You can scroll down to pictures if you're not up to reading my sob story. My feelings won't be hurt. I just felt the need to type all this shit out. Hahaha
Okay, so if you keep up with my blogs at all (and don't feel bad if you don't. It's no big deal) you know I HATE my job. With literally every fiber of my being. Not because the job itself is too horrible. I mean, I sell shoes, how hard can that be? But I hate my job for a multitude of other legitimate reasons.
1) My boss is a moody ass psychopath. One day, she's your best friend, the next, you can't do ANYTHING to please her. She treats ALL of us like shit and never tells us when we do something good, only bad. She talks shit about EVERYONE. And she bullys people into quitting like a fucking coward basically on a monthly basis. In the last 3 months, 6 people have quit because of her. Basically, she's the worst thing ever.
2) I have been training for management for MONTHS now and then the training just stopped a few weeks ago. When I asked about it, my boss said she "doesn't have time" to finish my training so I'll "just have to wait". Tight. And then she hired 3 new assistant managers!!! which brings me to...
3) My boss has hired 3 new assistant managers, none of which know their shit. I know more than they do! And to top it off, one of them is buddies with my terrible boss and she's JUST LIKE HER so now I have twin shit bosses.
4) I get sent home early almost every single day to "save payroll" because we aren't busy enough. So basically my schedule means nothing. I'll come in for an 8 hour shift and get sent home halfway through. Normally, people would love getting off early, but when you desperately NEED paychecks that are over $100, it's not fun. Which brings me to...
LITERALLY the most important...
5) I don't get paid NEARLY enough to put up with all this bullshit.
I'm just soooooo frustrated because I've been applying for other jobs and sending out resumes like CRAZY! And nothing happens!!!!!! Why???? Seriously WHY? lol I have 10 years of work experience and seriously I don't even get an interview at a sandwich joint?! Come on now...
It's just so exhausting. I've re-tweaked my resume a shit ton of times, attempting to make it look and sound more professional. And a good friend of my family who used to co-own a major mortgage company in the area has reviewed my resume and said it SOLID. So I don't know what the fuck the problem is. I literally don't.
This is the shit I cry myself to sleep over pretty much on a daily basis.
Because I NEED a new job. Not only so I can get away from the HELL that is my workplace. But because I desperately need to make more money. I won't tell you numbers because I don't want your sympathy, but I'm literally making 15% of what I used to make a month. No, you didn't read that wrong... 15% of what I used to take home a month. it's painful. I make enough to pay my phone bill and my car insurance bill and put a little gas in my car. That's is. I don't even make enough to pay on my tickets that I got last year for my registration. No money for food (thank FUCK my dad usually keeps a stocked kitchen). No money to pay back friends and ex-friends that I owe money to. No money to do ANYTHING. Like..... FUCK!

All I want is to get my butt back into a stable, decent paying job so that I can pay off the couple debts I have and then get a tiny little apartment for myself. I don't need anything fancy. Just a place I can call my own and escape to when all I want is to not listen to my dad's fucking voice every 2 minutes. LOL. A place I can go home to after a long day at work, pull out my bong, blast some fucking Tool and just... melt away for the night. A place I can actually have my dude over to for the night from time to time. A place I can just be me, instead of this person I have become over the last year. Ugh... this paragraph made me cry as I was typing it.
I'm just DONE living with my parents. Don't get me wrong, I am SO GRATEFUL that I have them in my time of need and that they don't charge me rent to be with them. SO GRATEFUL. Believe me. If it weren't for them, I'd be living in my Jeep in the mall parking lot. But it's terrible here at my dad's in this tiny condo. There's nowhere to hide. I mean, I have my bedroom but it's tiny and cramped and I can hear my dad's tv and all his phone conversations through the door because it's sch tight quarters. It's just exhausting. And we fight more now than we did when I was a teenager. And I can't go back to my mom's because they're caring for my step-grandma who is senile and ... it gets to be too much to deal with there.
I just want MY OWN SPACE again. I want to sleep in if I want and am able. I want to make whatever I want for dinner. I want to watch whatever I want on TV. I want to get up on a Saturday morning and smoke a HUGE bowl to my face while I watch Spongebob in my underwear, god dammit!
I'm not giving up. I know it'll come. I KNOW IT! It's just getting so discouraging and exhausting and everyday I have to work is just becoming more and more of a nightmare because I feel like it'll never end. lol
Ok! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just really had to get that out. So I guess you want pictures, huh?

Music for pictures....
Not to get all graphic but... this song is really fun to have sex to. LOL Just sayin... But it's also just an awesome song in general.

Alright, brace yourselves. I'll spoiler most of it so it doesn't take forever to load in your feed..
A few weeks ago, Jesse and I went on an awesome hike and I took a bunch of pictures, just like I used to back in the day..

Soooooo over half the pictures I wanted to share with you guys won't load and I'm getting too angry trying to figure out why. So..... I gave up. LOL but there are a few I thought were cool and share-worthy.
I feel shitty for venting for so long.... I'm sorry guys. I know it was probably terribly uninteresting and I don't want people to think I'm being all "poor me" or anything like that. I know I have a lot to be thankful for in my life and I'm fully aware that others are much worse off than I am. Sometimes it just feels good to get all that crap off my chest. And sometimes you guys have awesome advice or great things to say to cheer me up. So I apologize if I came of lame by dumping all that on you. :/
So.... I NEVER pimp people's sets on my blog. Or I haven't for a really long time. Not really for any reason except that not that many people actually read my blog so I don't know how much good it'll do. BUT.... there is one set in MR right now that I can't get off my mind lately!!!! Haha! Not in a creepy way, it's just my FAVORITE MULTI probably ever and my jaw hit the floor when I saw it because the 2 girls in it are so natural with each other. They don't look posed like most multis end up looking (unfortunately) and it's centered around my favorite things:
awesome tattoos
hot REAL chicks
and weeeeeeeeeeeeeed
Please go show some love to Damone and Michaelangela's SMOKING hot set Best "Buds"
Yeah, I'm IN LOVE with that set right now. lol
Alright, I think this blog has been long enough... just like old times, right?! LOL Hope I didn't bore you to death! And I hope I have some better, FUN updates for you soon.
Don't forget, you can always follow me on Instagram to see more of my pictures! Username: zombie_kitty
Until next time!