IN LOVE with this Rob Zombie remix. Skrillex is a fucking remixing GOD. End of story.
So, I promised more random blogs and here I am fulfilling that promise! I've been doin alright so far I think...

I will start with some random pic-a-tic-tures of sexiness and other things: (I'll spoiler 'em so you don't get annoyed. There're a lot of pics)

So, I've been investigating some custom handguns. Not that I can buy one at the moment but I still like looking! I'm hoping to buy a gun before I move into a new apartment. So, I have until the end of the year to find a handgun. I'm really leaning towards a 9mm Baretta or something but here are some DOPE guns I found online:
You can totally be girly AND bad ass!
Speaking of guns, yesterday me and Jesse and Josh went out to the range and shot the AR and the shotguns. So so so so fun. I have a gnarly bruise too. Haha! I'm getting so much better with my aim though! I am so proud of myself. Plus it just feels so good to shoot stuff!! LOL Here are a few pics from yesterday:
Seriously, shooting is my #1 favorite new hobby. No joke. I used to be so against weapons and guns! It's hilarious to me now. Hahahaha!
So that has been my last couple days!
What else is goin on? Hmmmmmmm....
OH! I have been in touch with a few more photographers in my area and it looks like I have about 5 photo shoots lined up. nothing major at all! But, just some fun stuff to work on in my free time to make me feel good.
And speaking of feeling good, I have started a new work out routine that I will be doing daily. I got a balance call and some resistance bands and I'm working on doing an hour long workout EVERY MORNING! So far so good! I'm trying to be BANGIN by summer. That's the goal anyway.
Today at work I met an AMAZING tattoo artist named Ro. He does some incredible work! He just strolled up to me tonight before closing and said that he really like the color I have going on in my tattoos and asked if I was looking to get any more work done. I said "Obviously!" and he laughed. He showed me a lot of his work and I talked to him about a few of the things I'd like to get started on my bod. He was super interested in working on it for me and told me he'd hook it up price wise! I talked to him and his girlfriend for about 30 minutes and I LOVE THEMMMMM! So I got his number and he said he's down to work on me soon. I'm pretty excited about it actually. Now I just have to decide what I want him to do first! lol
Tomorrow I have to go get my Jeep smogged. Sooooooo not looking forward to that cuz I'm almost positive she's not gonna pass and I'm gonna have to get something done which means... $$$$$$$$$$$
This weekend we have our trip for the RC competition and I am pretty stoked about it! Although, I'm almost positive it's going to be snowing where we are going. YIPES! But I should have tons of fun pictures and stories to share with you guys when I return. So, there may not be another random blog in between now and next week. But I think you'll probably survive.
Well, I'm going to do a bunch of sit ups and then eat some jello and watch Rob Dyrdek Fantasy Factory and dream about having Rob Dyrdek's babies! Hahaha! Have an amazing night all!
Sending you tons and tons of lovins!!!!!