REAL blog time!
I know I know... I have been slacking HARDCORE on the whole blog thing. I have been busy and not really feeling SG lately to be honest. So I've been a bit absent. But, I MISS THE FUCK outta you guys! So here I am to write and puke some pictures on your faces.
First.. I love this song to death so I wanna share it with you:
I just learned it on the guitar (not that it's hard) and I have a blast playing it with the boy and singing to him while he smiles back at me *sigh*
SO, I promised a REAL update!
A whole lot has been going on with me these days.
Work has been whatever. It's been very up and down and all around and frankly, I am sick of it. I am desperately looking for either a second job or a full time job that pays more so that I can FINALLY get out of my fucking dad's house. I hate it here. I mean... I HATE IT! Haha! Don't get me wrong, my dad is cool, but I have zero privacy here and privacy tends to be one of my number one priorities. I just need my own place SO BAD before I blow my damn brains out. Haha!
Things with Jesse are going fabulously! I am so in love. For the first time in my -entire- life, all I can think about is starting a family with someone. Jesse just brings it out in me. He's got 2 little munchkins that live in another state.
And he's not quite ready for us to start creating more living beings, but I'm hoping I can make this relationship last until my birth control implant expires and we can start poppin out babies. Hahah! I iterally just want to give him a little boy so badly. I want a little human to love more than anything on this planet! I just have so much love to give and something about jesse just makes me want to exude it.
He's perfect for me. he really is. I am just unbelievably happy with him.
So, my health insurance ran out and I can't afford it at the moment so for the first time in like 8 years, I am OFF MEDS. No anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds and it is actually blowing me away how easy it has been for me to handle. I still am lacking in the department of "coping skills" but I am learning! For the first time in... maybe my whole life, I actually feel liek I have a clear head. I can actually THINK about shit instead of ONLY stressing about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still anxious as all hell, but I feel much more aware of myself in a -good- way and I feel like I am able to actually get a grip! I am happy! And I am happy to be off meds.
I have a big modeling job coming up that I am EXTREMELY excited about!!!! I' going to be doing some modeling for Rebel8 clothing!!! They are shooting an ad that will be featured in Inkd Magazine and I will be getting paid in.. wait for it.... FREE TATTOOS! How this all came about was actually pretty awesome! I was on a break at work, just sitting int he mall playing on my phone like I always do, and a girl came up to me and asked if I'd want to shoot some stuff for the clothing company that she photographs for. I asked her why and she told me that she's was just really grabbed by my looks and would love to shoot me!
I was totally flattered and of course agreed to do it. I did some research on the company and I am SO JAZZED on them right now! They are a company out of the Bay Area and they do custom stuff for Travis Barker, Lil Weezy and other celebrities. It's pretty bad ass! So I am stoked for our shoot this upcoming weekend!
I think for my free tattoo I'm gonna get either something on the back of my thighs or 2 pistols on my lower back. I can't decide. but the artist that is going to be working on me is one of the best in the Sacramento area working out of a shop called Royal Peacock, which is really the only shop worth a damn out here. Haha! So I am super duper excited!!!
There's been wuite a bit more stuff going on these days but I just got a crazy headache that feels like aliens eating my brain so I think I'm gonna throw ya some photos and then wrap this up.
Ewwww.... my headache is getting worse.
So I think it's time for nighty night time. Sorry if my update was boring at all! I should have some fun updates soon about the shoot and stuff so stay tuned. I miss you all a lot! So send em some love. I'll also be trying to swoop into Chat a bit more cuz I miss you peoples too!!!!
Love always, Erin
Follow me on Instagram: zombie_kitty
I know I know... I have been slacking HARDCORE on the whole blog thing. I have been busy and not really feeling SG lately to be honest. So I've been a bit absent. But, I MISS THE FUCK outta you guys! So here I am to write and puke some pictures on your faces.

First.. I love this song to death so I wanna share it with you:
I just learned it on the guitar (not that it's hard) and I have a blast playing it with the boy and singing to him while he smiles back at me *sigh*

SO, I promised a REAL update!
A whole lot has been going on with me these days.
Work has been whatever. It's been very up and down and all around and frankly, I am sick of it. I am desperately looking for either a second job or a full time job that pays more so that I can FINALLY get out of my fucking dad's house. I hate it here. I mean... I HATE IT! Haha! Don't get me wrong, my dad is cool, but I have zero privacy here and privacy tends to be one of my number one priorities. I just need my own place SO BAD before I blow my damn brains out. Haha!
Things with Jesse are going fabulously! I am so in love. For the first time in my -entire- life, all I can think about is starting a family with someone. Jesse just brings it out in me. He's got 2 little munchkins that live in another state.

So, my health insurance ran out and I can't afford it at the moment so for the first time in like 8 years, I am OFF MEDS. No anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds and it is actually blowing me away how easy it has been for me to handle. I still am lacking in the department of "coping skills" but I am learning! For the first time in... maybe my whole life, I actually feel liek I have a clear head. I can actually THINK about shit instead of ONLY stressing about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still anxious as all hell, but I feel much more aware of myself in a -good- way and I feel like I am able to actually get a grip! I am happy! And I am happy to be off meds.
I have a big modeling job coming up that I am EXTREMELY excited about!!!! I' going to be doing some modeling for Rebel8 clothing!!! They are shooting an ad that will be featured in Inkd Magazine and I will be getting paid in.. wait for it.... FREE TATTOOS! How this all came about was actually pretty awesome! I was on a break at work, just sitting int he mall playing on my phone like I always do, and a girl came up to me and asked if I'd want to shoot some stuff for the clothing company that she photographs for. I asked her why and she told me that she's was just really grabbed by my looks and would love to shoot me!

I think for my free tattoo I'm gonna get either something on the back of my thighs or 2 pistols on my lower back. I can't decide. but the artist that is going to be working on me is one of the best in the Sacramento area working out of a shop called Royal Peacock, which is really the only shop worth a damn out here. Haha! So I am super duper excited!!!
There's been wuite a bit more stuff going on these days but I just got a crazy headache that feels like aliens eating my brain so I think I'm gonna throw ya some photos and then wrap this up.

Ewwww.... my headache is getting worse.


Love always, Erin
Follow me on Instagram: zombie_kitty
Good for you.