Real blog time!
Life is wonderful.
Well, first things first! To all my friends here in America, I'm not 100% why we celebrate Thanksgiving, seeing as how it depicts a time when the Euros came over and raped and pillaged a bunch of natives... But, whatever I guess! Happy Turkey Day!
This is what my day looked like today:

That, plus my family driving me crazy.
They mean well, but dammit... I'm glad they're finally gone. Haha!
Sooo, if you recall, I mentioned that I got in my very first car accident recently. I was being a dumb shit and I was looking down reading a text and I just rammed into the back of the SUV in front of me. There was no damage to his vehicle, but I had some minor damage to mine. It looks small, but it's pretty fucked. lol
This is what my light is supposed to look like:

And this is what his trailer hitch did to it:

It actually even effects my tire and shit on that side cuz it rammed ALL the way through and there's plastic that hits my tire when I turn now. it sucks but there's literally nothing I can do about it.
Luckily the man I hit was really cool because I literally do not have insurance right now.
Oops. The universe decided to cut me a break, I guess. 
The weather has been gorgeous lately. Nice and chilly, but nothing major. And the trees have finally changed colors and are dropping their leaves.. This is what my backyard looks like:

I love it. I find myself wanting to bundle up and spend a lot of time outside.
Been partying with my friends a little bit lately!
Here's by buddy, Sheldon mixing up a storm.

There have been some strange twists and turns going on in my little circle of friends. My friend Katie started dating this dude Matt who we all thought was pretty cool at first. But then he started doing a lot of pills and seems to have turned Katie in that direction. And now there have been suspicions of stealing and all kinds of shit. So, there are only a couple of us left that any of us feel like we can trust. It really sucks to see a friend go downhill so quickly, but that's her bull shit. I am making an effort to not let it be my problem. if I do, it'll just bring me down. And I have no time for that in my life right now. So, it's pretty much me, Sheldon, and brad left in the group. It just is what it is. We're planning on getting together at some point this weekend to make a giant blanket fort in the loft of Brad's house.
We wanna decorate it with Christmas lights and hot box it with some sweet blunts. 

In bigger, better, and MORE EXCITING news...
I met someone amazing. Or rather, someone amazing has re-entered my life.
I was at work Sunday and I saw a guy I recognized. His name is Patrick and I went to high school with him and in fact, I had a HUGE crush on him throughout high school. We had a lot of classes together, but he dated my friend Carly for a while, so he was always off limits to me. Plus, I was sure he never really saw me that way anyways, because I was chubby and awkward and dorky in high school. Anyways, I saw him in my store with his mom and brother. I didn't say anything at first cuz he was trying on shoes and was talking and stuff and I didn't wanna interrupt. Well, when he went up to check out, I figured it'd be a good time to just say hey and see if her remembered me.
I smiled and waved and asked him if he went to my high school. He smiled really big back at me and remembered my name and we started chit chatting a little. He just moved back home from Chico where he was going to school for art education and blah blah blah.. Well, he told me to friend request him on Facebook and said we should hang out some time. I never really take people too seriously when they say that, cuz I feel like people say it a lot and don't mean it. Haha! Well, I was pretty content that he had remembered me and stuff and really didn't think too much more about it, except that I thought he was waaaay cuter now than he was in high school. LOL
About an hour and a half goes by and I'm working on an accessories display in the store and he walks up to me and starts up conversation again. He was smiling real big and seemed almost a little shy. Next thing I know, he smirks and asks, "Would you want to go to dinner some time with me?" I could feel myself blushing and I smiled really big and told him "Absolutely!" I was so shocked! I couldn't believe it! And I spent the rest of the day smiling like an idiot. Haha!
We had our first date Tuesday night! He picked me up at my house, came in and met my parents and my grandma, and even opened the car door for me.
Our night was spent having amazing food and even better conversation filled with laughs. He is sooo funny! We have so much in common, like the same music, the same art, same politics, same outlook on religion... EVERYTHING! He paints and draws and plays the guitar and the bass. He's going back to school now for environmental sciences or something because he loves the outdoors so much... Sound like anyone you know?! lol God... It might have been the best first date of my life. When he took me home, he walked me to my door and I planted a small kiss on his lips. He smiled super big and said, "So... this is happening again soon right?" 

Did I mention he admitted that he had a crush on me too while we were in high school??? lol
He texted me when he got home: "I don't mean to be alarming, but I felt something really special with you tonight. I definitely like you more than I should already.
I had one of the most magical nights of my life and I'm glad it was spent with you. I can't wait to see you again. Good night, beautiful."
Ummmmm..... adorable much?!
So we've been texting and talking on the phone a lot and tomorrow when I get off work he's going to take me to the movies to see Hugo, which we had mentioned on our date, both saying it looked hella good.
Oh my god you guys... I thought I was always going to be in love with Brando because everyone I have dated since him always felt like 2nd best. I thought that I would have to settle on someone else and I'd just have to live my life that way. But with Patrick, I don't even think about B. I get full on butterflies! He does something really special to me that I can't quite describe. All I can say is it feels amazing and I am so looking forward to seeing where it goes. I really have a good feeling about this!
Plus, look how goddamn cute he is!

So, tomorrow at work is going to be my day to shine. For those of you who live under a rock, tomorrow is the dreaded Black Friday. The day in retail that has no rules and is fueled by greedy sales shoppers. lol The mall I work at opens at fucking midnight.... No, I'm not kidding. Haha! My shift starts at 5am. So instead of hanging out with all my friends and having a massive smoke sesh, I will be asleep in my bed by 9pm, preparing for the madness that will be tomorrow. At least I have my date to look forward to afterwards. PLUS, I'm ready to rock and roll my sales goal tomorrow! Fuck yeah!
Me before my date Tuesday:

Nom nom sushi:

lazy Family Guy day:

my new AMAZING boots. Yes, they are Vans!!!!!

Old Jack:

Pepper Spray Cop:

Words of wisdom:

An amazing sunset:

And I've been watching a LOT of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:

Well, my dear love bugs, I do believe it's time for me to take my meds, put on some Always Sunny and slip into a food coma seeing as how I need to get up at 4am! lol Wish me luck! And thank you so much for your shared excitement about Patrick. He's really awesome and I have a feeling, he's gonna be really good for me. I LOVE YOU!!!
Life is wonderful.

Well, first things first! To all my friends here in America, I'm not 100% why we celebrate Thanksgiving, seeing as how it depicts a time when the Euros came over and raped and pillaged a bunch of natives... But, whatever I guess! Happy Turkey Day!
This is what my day looked like today:

That, plus my family driving me crazy.

Sooo, if you recall, I mentioned that I got in my very first car accident recently. I was being a dumb shit and I was looking down reading a text and I just rammed into the back of the SUV in front of me. There was no damage to his vehicle, but I had some minor damage to mine. It looks small, but it's pretty fucked. lol
This is what my light is supposed to look like:

And this is what his trailer hitch did to it:


It actually even effects my tire and shit on that side cuz it rammed ALL the way through and there's plastic that hits my tire when I turn now. it sucks but there's literally nothing I can do about it.
Luckily the man I hit was really cool because I literally do not have insurance right now.

The weather has been gorgeous lately. Nice and chilly, but nothing major. And the trees have finally changed colors and are dropping their leaves.. This is what my backyard looks like:

I love it. I find myself wanting to bundle up and spend a lot of time outside.
Been partying with my friends a little bit lately!
Here's by buddy, Sheldon mixing up a storm.

There have been some strange twists and turns going on in my little circle of friends. My friend Katie started dating this dude Matt who we all thought was pretty cool at first. But then he started doing a lot of pills and seems to have turned Katie in that direction. And now there have been suspicions of stealing and all kinds of shit. So, there are only a couple of us left that any of us feel like we can trust. It really sucks to see a friend go downhill so quickly, but that's her bull shit. I am making an effort to not let it be my problem. if I do, it'll just bring me down. And I have no time for that in my life right now. So, it's pretty much me, Sheldon, and brad left in the group. It just is what it is. We're planning on getting together at some point this weekend to make a giant blanket fort in the loft of Brad's house.

In bigger, better, and MORE EXCITING news...
I met someone amazing. Or rather, someone amazing has re-entered my life.
I was at work Sunday and I saw a guy I recognized. His name is Patrick and I went to high school with him and in fact, I had a HUGE crush on him throughout high school. We had a lot of classes together, but he dated my friend Carly for a while, so he was always off limits to me. Plus, I was sure he never really saw me that way anyways, because I was chubby and awkward and dorky in high school. Anyways, I saw him in my store with his mom and brother. I didn't say anything at first cuz he was trying on shoes and was talking and stuff and I didn't wanna interrupt. Well, when he went up to check out, I figured it'd be a good time to just say hey and see if her remembered me.
I smiled and waved and asked him if he went to my high school. He smiled really big back at me and remembered my name and we started chit chatting a little. He just moved back home from Chico where he was going to school for art education and blah blah blah.. Well, he told me to friend request him on Facebook and said we should hang out some time. I never really take people too seriously when they say that, cuz I feel like people say it a lot and don't mean it. Haha! Well, I was pretty content that he had remembered me and stuff and really didn't think too much more about it, except that I thought he was waaaay cuter now than he was in high school. LOL
About an hour and a half goes by and I'm working on an accessories display in the store and he walks up to me and starts up conversation again. He was smiling real big and seemed almost a little shy. Next thing I know, he smirks and asks, "Would you want to go to dinner some time with me?" I could feel myself blushing and I smiled really big and told him "Absolutely!" I was so shocked! I couldn't believe it! And I spent the rest of the day smiling like an idiot. Haha!
We had our first date Tuesday night! He picked me up at my house, came in and met my parents and my grandma, and even opened the car door for me.

He texted me when he got home: "I don't mean to be alarming, but I felt something really special with you tonight. I definitely like you more than I should already.

Ummmmm..... adorable much?!
So we've been texting and talking on the phone a lot and tomorrow when I get off work he's going to take me to the movies to see Hugo, which we had mentioned on our date, both saying it looked hella good.

Oh my god you guys... I thought I was always going to be in love with Brando because everyone I have dated since him always felt like 2nd best. I thought that I would have to settle on someone else and I'd just have to live my life that way. But with Patrick, I don't even think about B. I get full on butterflies! He does something really special to me that I can't quite describe. All I can say is it feels amazing and I am so looking forward to seeing where it goes. I really have a good feeling about this!
Plus, look how goddamn cute he is!


So, tomorrow at work is going to be my day to shine. For those of you who live under a rock, tomorrow is the dreaded Black Friday. The day in retail that has no rules and is fueled by greedy sales shoppers. lol The mall I work at opens at fucking midnight.... No, I'm not kidding. Haha! My shift starts at 5am. So instead of hanging out with all my friends and having a massive smoke sesh, I will be asleep in my bed by 9pm, preparing for the madness that will be tomorrow. At least I have my date to look forward to afterwards. PLUS, I'm ready to rock and roll my sales goal tomorrow! Fuck yeah!
Me before my date Tuesday:

Nom nom sushi:

lazy Family Guy day:

my new AMAZING boots. Yes, they are Vans!!!!!

Old Jack:

Pepper Spray Cop:

Words of wisdom:

An amazing sunset:

And I've been watching a LOT of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:

Well, my dear love bugs, I do believe it's time for me to take my meds, put on some Always Sunny and slip into a food coma seeing as how I need to get up at 4am! lol Wish me luck! And thank you so much for your shared excitement about Patrick. He's really awesome and I have a feeling, he's gonna be really good for me. I LOVE YOU!!!
::EDIT:: It's that time of year! I'm planning on making some Christmas cards to send out to all you dear folks. if you'd like one, PM me your name and address so I can get started! Don't worry, your info is safe with me, I won't give it to anyone. I just wanna send you some personalized love this holiday season. XOXOX
.....and those boots are sYck