Quick update!
Bass lines that will SLAY you:
Dear Les Claypool, can we just make a music genius baby together? Please? Love, me
Give this song a minute to get going... it's fucking RAD!!!!
LOL for reals though, if you haven't checked out Primus' new album Green Naugahyde you need to get on top of that shit ASAP. I have to miss the Primus concert in Berkley this weekend and I'm probably gonna cry about it.
Booooooo! My buddy Devyn is goin though so I told him he has to send me pictures during the show so I can pretend I'm there. Haha!!
Soooo miss Thanatogenous and I went out to dubstep night the other night and guess what? We didn't take any pictures. Haha! Well, I took this one of our first shot at the bar:

Yeah... we suck. but the dubstep night wasn't as fun as we had hoped. The crowd was FULL of hipsters and.... eh.. we just don't mesh well with hipsters. But we danced a little bit but, like I said, the crowd sucked so we went home. LOL But it was still fun to hang out with my lovely friend! So, overall, it was a good night!
Not a whole lot else to update on. Me and Brando are set to meet tomorrow for coffee. We will see though. The radio show he produces just picked up a couple new affiliates and he's got to meet up with them and check out their equipment and make sure they can get everything up and running. I swear this guy never gets a break. I kinda feel bad for him sometimes. Haha! But, supposedly tomorrow is "perfect" for coffee so we'll see. Either he'll bail or I'll finally get to spill my guts out. Like I said, not expecting anything to happen after said guts have been spilled, but I just gotta do it. I'll feel five billion times better once it's done.
But he and I have had a couple really good and fun conversations over the last couple days. My hope is that we can at least go back to being friends! But, I just can't hope for much. I keep telling myself not to give in to false hope (and I've done pretty well with that), but that it's ok to enjoy the little things. Like him telling me he's genuinely looking forward to seeing me but nervous cuz it's been so long. That's cute to me.
So, whatever. Time will tell. I just really hope he doesn't bail on tomorrow!
Last night at work, I felt like this, by the way:

So that's good news!
I'm trying to just stay as positive as possible and hopefully life just follows suit.
I hung out with the boys the other day from the old crew. It didn't seem to stir up any drama, but Katie is definitely not talking to me. But, what-fucking-ever. I don't need douchey ass mother fuckers in my life anyhow. And the guys have been so sweet to me! Inviting me over to smoke and watch Workaholics and just dude stuff. It's nice and drama-free. I can dig it. LOL So, I may be hanging with them again soon.
I'm looking into getting more information about designing for Vans. My manager has been super supportive and seems to think I would have no problem getting a job in the ladies apparel design group once I've completed the courses. So, I want to get on this as soon as possible. Hopefully start classes the beginning of the year and hurry up and get the ball rolling! This is honestly my dream job. I love designing and drawing and I LOVE my company. And I can do whatever I want tattoo-wise and with my hair and everything.
It would be literally perfect for me.
I can't end this mini blog without boobies. So here!

Sorry I don't have much else to share. To be totally honest, my mind is really wrapped up in meeting Brando tomorrow. Part of me is just terrified he's gonna bail either because of work or out of nervousness. But I need to not think about it that way. Like I said, I just need to think positive. I just worry a lot (too much). Gah! So, here's to stopping worrying and getting on with my day! Cheers!

Bass lines that will SLAY you:
Dear Les Claypool, can we just make a music genius baby together? Please? Love, me
Give this song a minute to get going... it's fucking RAD!!!!
LOL for reals though, if you haven't checked out Primus' new album Green Naugahyde you need to get on top of that shit ASAP. I have to miss the Primus concert in Berkley this weekend and I'm probably gonna cry about it.

Soooo miss Thanatogenous and I went out to dubstep night the other night and guess what? We didn't take any pictures. Haha! Well, I took this one of our first shot at the bar:

Yeah... we suck. but the dubstep night wasn't as fun as we had hoped. The crowd was FULL of hipsters and.... eh.. we just don't mesh well with hipsters. But we danced a little bit but, like I said, the crowd sucked so we went home. LOL But it was still fun to hang out with my lovely friend! So, overall, it was a good night!
Not a whole lot else to update on. Me and Brando are set to meet tomorrow for coffee. We will see though. The radio show he produces just picked up a couple new affiliates and he's got to meet up with them and check out their equipment and make sure they can get everything up and running. I swear this guy never gets a break. I kinda feel bad for him sometimes. Haha! But, supposedly tomorrow is "perfect" for coffee so we'll see. Either he'll bail or I'll finally get to spill my guts out. Like I said, not expecting anything to happen after said guts have been spilled, but I just gotta do it. I'll feel five billion times better once it's done.
But he and I have had a couple really good and fun conversations over the last couple days. My hope is that we can at least go back to being friends! But, I just can't hope for much. I keep telling myself not to give in to false hope (and I've done pretty well with that), but that it's ok to enjoy the little things. Like him telling me he's genuinely looking forward to seeing me but nervous cuz it's been so long. That's cute to me.

Last night at work, I felt like this, by the way:

So that's good news!

I hung out with the boys the other day from the old crew. It didn't seem to stir up any drama, but Katie is definitely not talking to me. But, what-fucking-ever. I don't need douchey ass mother fuckers in my life anyhow. And the guys have been so sweet to me! Inviting me over to smoke and watch Workaholics and just dude stuff. It's nice and drama-free. I can dig it. LOL So, I may be hanging with them again soon.
I'm looking into getting more information about designing for Vans. My manager has been super supportive and seems to think I would have no problem getting a job in the ladies apparel design group once I've completed the courses. So, I want to get on this as soon as possible. Hopefully start classes the beginning of the year and hurry up and get the ball rolling! This is honestly my dream job. I love designing and drawing and I LOVE my company. And I can do whatever I want tattoo-wise and with my hair and everything.

I can't end this mini blog without boobies. So here!

Sorry I don't have much else to share. To be totally honest, my mind is really wrapped up in meeting Brando tomorrow. Part of me is just terrified he's gonna bail either because of work or out of nervousness. But I need to not think about it that way. Like I said, I just need to think positive. I just worry a lot (too much). Gah! So, here's to stopping worrying and getting on with my day! Cheers!

i just try distraction techniques...doin anything n everything to take my mind off the stress! x
she bailed on me to